Thursday, August 16, 2012

Patrick moaned loudly as his former girlfriend watched... it had taken only a week to get him to suck a cock, using the DNA resequencer to change out all of his chromosomes... It had created a thirst for male semen that he could not control.  Each load of male cum he swallowed forced out any male hormones he had in his system, causing the physical changes to advance more quickly. 

Looking down at the new girl named Patricia, Jenni was amazed at the quick changes as the hormones literally flowed from the new girls pussy... she could still see his last male load of cum on his stomach before his cock shrank into the sensitive clit on his flowing pussy. 

She smiled... as insatiable as Patricia is, she will have no problem selling her body and making a small fortune.  Looking at her watch, the changes would continue for another 5 hours... and with the line of men at the door, she was sure Patricia would be quite the buxom whore...

Patricia's ass and tits grew some more as she continued to suck on the cock in front of her, her pussy spasming.... no other thoughts but cocks and cum...

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