Friday, December 21, 2012

Danny, trembling in pleasure as he feels his little clitty-cock streaming the last of his testosterone onto the sheets, looks over at his ex-wife and squeals and moans, eyes begging for forgiveness. The huge cock in her mouth lets loose a huge load of semen and she swallows quickly, the semen causing the nanites inside her to further modify her body and mind.... 
Jenny looks at her cheating ex-husband and continues to pleasure herself with the dildo. Shortly what's left of Danny's manhood will wither away and allow a new fertile pussy to be born. She couldn't wait as she watched Danny suck away at the cock. Unotticed to Danny, his ass and tits swell even larger, the estrogen flowing through his.. no, HER body erasing any trace of who he once was. Jenny had always wanted a child, and this slut was going to provide her with one... or more.

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