Monday, February 25, 2013

Alright girls and boys out there, if you like me let me know!  Any comments are welcum whether good or bad!  I know you're looking so let me know what you think.  I do this for my and your pleasure, and hope I'm able to get you off in some way, and letting me know that I am inspires me!


  1. Well, darling, one thing you can be pretty sure of -despite how pretty this view is-, and that is the fact that most of the lovlies who visit your place here will not be leaving you word of their coming and going and coming again... and again. Sad as it be, resting in the confidence that statistical evidence of your viewers is indication that your work is enjoyed will be your highest indication.

    Such is life in the blogs of TG Cap & Fic. :(


  2. Hey, Kayla!

    I hope you don't mind terribly, but, I was somewhat moved by your position on hearing from the folks who visit your place and I decided to see about helping steer some people this way, -the more, the merrier- right?!

    I put a little piece together using your 'likeness' posted here, and suggested they slide into you... er, your place, for some fun TG-in-motion, with the link I added to this house.

    Sorry if my previous comment sounds a bit bummer-ish, it's just how things seem to be. Hopefully, this can make up for that, and, if you'd like me to try something in particular with/for you, just drop me a line via this thread, my blog, or Rachel's if hang at The Haven.


    1. I love the haven, we go there on a regular basis, read up on some of the great posts, and then have a great evening! I understand about the posts, I just hope, like you, that I can prompt a few watchers into posting.

      Love you girl!!


    2. You are so blessed to be in what sounds like a marriage of such love, sharing, mutual respect and exploration... not to mention utterly carnal FUN!!!

      While there are TG-Cap blogs that draw frequent comments, sadly, they too are few in comparison to their following and, I expect, quantity of views. Understandable in light of the nature of the material, regardless of its rating/explicitness, still being a taboo in much of modern society. Hence my 'calling' to engage as many as possible in hopes of making available flavors which appeal to all tastes.

      My best wishes to you both in your love, life & blogging!!!
