Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Jack had picked up the black hooker for a little "strange" on his trip to Vegas.  He had taken her out, wined and dined her, and throughout the night had started feeling strange, like the hooker, Jasmine, was getting taller, seemed to be a bit stronger than he was.  Jack's walking became awkward for a bit, then seemed to straighten itself out, Jack thinking he must be drinking too much.  He got strange looks coming out of the bathroom at the last club, one guy saying "Excuse me Miss".. Looking up at him Jack couldn't help but notice how tall and handsome all the men in Vegas were!

30 minutes later Jasmine looked down at her new employee Jackie, sucking on her she-cock.  Each moment she was sucking feminized her more and more, already her clothes had changed, now the final changes were taking place in her body and mind.  Jasmine could see Jackie's tiny clit form above the new dripping wet slit, and her ass, new tits, and hips jiggled as they expanded.  Caressing the new sluts lengthening hair, Jasmine knew she would make a lot of money off of this slut...

1 comment:

  1. "... {oh, fuck! now that i'm hooked on Mdme. Jasmine's she-cock} thought Jackie as she salivated profusely, lubricating the musky tool of her new boss while she slid a slim finger easily into the starving emptiness between her smooth thighs and groped the swelling sacks of fatty flesh which sent shivers down her spine as they grew from her, now hairless, chest. As Jasmine's fem-member pulsed and flexed between Jackie's swollen, sucking lips toward impending orgasm, the new addition to Madame's stable thought, {i hope these aren't done growing! i'd LOVE for them to be full & plush so Mistress will want me to wrap them around her yummy fudge-sickle and have them swing & slap over her face while her drives her locomotive into my tunnel!}..."

    Sorry, darlings, I might have gotten a bit carried-away there!?!
