Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I do so love worshipping a big hard cock!  Sorry for delays, real life takes it's toll on all of us at times, with work and play and kids and BLAH, LOL it's crazy!  I was pleasantly surprised to see my blog up to 25,000 views!  Thanks to you all!!  I was sad to see that no one ever responded to my request, but I know a lot of you out there just bang one out and go to sleep.  It's ok to relieve your cocks looking at our pics' and short paragraphs... I'd just like to know when some of you do... giggle! 


  1. Hope you don't mind, terribly, Kayla, but I had mentioned doing you both up in a cap. While this is not the story I had in mind, (and i still plan on getting that one done), I thought you might like to see what impression your tale of R-L delaying recent posts might bring to mind. Or, it could be considered my bidding to you for some well-deserved 'us-time'.

    Either way, I've got your blog linked in this post, and I hope you two do get some quality time together!


  2. I'm stroking myself right now and tasting the pre-cum dribbling out of my cock. I am so horny right now and wish I had boobs to rub and be tittie fucked
