Sunday, September 8, 2013

Diane felt the huge cock pumping into her new pussy for the 5th time that day.. her face covered in cum after each John pulled out and relieved themselves in her mouth and face... Diane Leonard, former agent Dan Leonard, could do nothing but swallow each time a load was deposited in her mouth... some wanted to cover her face and did so with gusto...
Being a reporter trying to get the story about The Ranch was a mistake she wished she never made.  Diane screams in pleasure as she cums again, then feels the cock pulse and throb inside her pussy, filling it again....and again.. and again...


  1. Hi Kayla! Love your blog! I just started a new one that's a bit similar. Let me know what you think!

  2. I looked and liked very much! I'm following now, keep up the good work!
