Saturday, September 7, 2013

WOW.  I was checking on my little blog here and apparently we've gone OVER 50,000 hits!  I am astonished!  I am sad though that I only have 25 followers!!  Guys ad girls, please follow me.  I don't ask often, and I promise to do the above to each and every one of you in your dreams!  Just gaze at the picture above and imagine that's you using me to your hearts content!

Even if you just come on my blog to cum, I want to see you!  After all you get to see me and hubby in our fantasies! 


  1. but i'd much rather be doing the sucking. :P giggle. hugs Sedra

  2. Where is this taken from? Do you know the name of the video or the pornstar?

  3. I agree with Sedra! Had to follow tho love the site!

  4. I wish I knew... it's an awesome pic... I'll keep an eye out. It's an image from Tumblr...
