Monday, October 28, 2013

Jenny tried to stop him, but she was too weak... too horny... her pussy was pulsing with need but he chose her other hole... all she could do is moan as his cock throbbed inside her ass and she felt the streams of semen fill her ass.  She felt her tits pulse with heat as they expanded more, her nipples lengthening... filling with milk... 
The man stepped away and another took his place, this one choosing her pussy... Mistress wanted Jenny, who used to be her husband Jeremy, to have cum in all of her holes before the night was over.  Soon she'd be nothing more than a fuck slut to sell on the black market.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when my man takes me like this! It is not just a fuck, but it is a reminder that I am HIS. To do with as he may!
