Sunday, January 12, 2014

 Randy had been a mechanic for decades, and over that time he had learned how to take advantage of the "losers" that stopped for help at his garage.  Usually the loser would pay several hundred more than anywhere else, since he didn't give them a choice.  After all, where else would you go in the Nevada desert?
A car came up to the garage, steam billowing from the engine bay.  A man got out, asked for assistance.  Popping the hood, Randy said his radiator had given out, and it would take $400 to repair, even though the real problem was just a $20 coolant hose.
The man stared at Randy, shaking his head.  "You are a greedy, vicious bastard, Randy... or should I say BITCH..." 
Randy felt suddenly weak, hot, his entire body tingling.. his blue t-shirt writhed and changed, along with his jeans... he felt a odd pulling sensation in his crotch, along with a swelling in his ass and chest...  The world seemed to get larger by the second, or the stranger was growing before him...
Whimpering in fear, not understanding what was going on, his clothing had transformed.. a simple halter top and jean skirt, along with thong panties... his former cock now only an inch long, hard as a diamond and leaking constantly.  He also had a slit right below the new clitty cock, also seeping juice into the crotch of the thong...
"What's going on... what happened?" Randy squeaked, feeling a tongue piercing in her mouth.. She looked at the stranger, who had now unzipped his pants, holding a long, thick and extremely hard cock in his hand, drops of precum dripping from the tip.
"Ooooh what a delicious looking cock!! I gotta suck it Master!!" 
Kneeling down in horror, Randy, unable to stop herself, took the thick shaft in her now tiny hand and guided the throbbing member to her new puffy lips... moaning in pleasure\horror, she could feel her 55 yr old male mechanic self disappearing, and Randi the 21 yr old fuckslut start taking over.  Her crotch tingling constantly, feeling so empty, Randi suckled and licked the cock, until she was rewarded with her favorite treat, a fresh load of yummy cummy!
Gulping it down, Randi looks up at her Master, as he picks her up and turns her around, pushing her to her hands and knees on the lounge... she feels him push up her skirt, and slide her thong to the side... mewling in pleasure, the cock enters her ass and she moans loudly in pleasure, her clitty cock and pussy both pulsing and soaking her panties... until the cream starts to drip from the gusset of her panties...
"There there my sissy slut, this is where you belong... skewered on a cock moaning and screaming... Just to let you know, once I cum inside you, it's permanent.." Grabbing Randi's wide hips he starts pumping faster causing her to orgasm again...
Randy the mechanic tries one last time to stop him\herself... and feels Masters cock start throbbing inside her ass... using all his\her will to pull away, Randy... FAILS, and feels MASTERS HOT SEED FILL HER ASS...
Randy screams in horror in her mind... as Randi cleans Masters cock with her mouth and tongue.

1 comment:

  1. *giggles* It's nice to see the mechanic getting fucked for a change. I love the look on her face as the customer gets his nut rack off in her tailpipe.
