Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hello my pets!   As I get your clits all hot and bothered in this new year, lets all hope for peace on earth and good will towards men and women, and everything in between.  I hope for easy transitions for those of you that may decide to go all the way, and I truly hope that all of you become the woman you want to be.  I know you are already there in your mind.
Sleep tonight with the above image in your mind, as your man TAKES you, as your are his fuck toy to fill with HIS SEED wherever he wishes.  HE WILL HOLD YOU DOWN AND FUCK YOU!

Your legs will shake as he takes you, he will FORCE you to cum so often you will only be able to lay there and take his cock inside you.  You are nothing but a sperm receptacle to your MAN.  This is what YOU WANTED!  To be used like this!  You ACCEPT this life and fate!
I truly wish you all a Happy New Year, and hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
Kisses and love girls!


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