Thursday, February 18, 2016


Question to you out there... is she someone you would want to be?  Give me a caption idea, or even write the caption!


  1. How about a caption revolving around a guy who's ticked off his girlfriend around valentine's day and she transforms him to give to her lover as a valentine's day present?

  2. If we are talking about body wise my ideal would be Anne Hathaway I would sell my soul to look like her

  3. I don't know about "being" her, Kayla, but I'd certainly not object to having a body like she has!!! (Although, her waist looks as if it might be manipulated some... But, with the pillows she resting on her bed like that; I'd sure be wanting to have my body manipulated... a LOT!)

    That being said, I might answer your invitation as follows:

    - - My sleep was restless. Bizarre dreams filled my unconscious mind. Erotic dreams! Orgasmic dreams! Dreams of having intimate, passionate sex with a beautiful, shapely, buxom blonde woman. And yet, my perspective in my dream seemed to be from her body rather than mine! As though I was the one moaning in high-pitched elation and holding my big, plush breasts aside to watch my smooth thighs hold her head as her tongue traced my wet labia and probed hungry innards! As though I was the one whose soft, delicate fingers were guiding the rigid member into my waiting womanhood as her massive tits pressed against mine and her eyes smiled into mine while she pushed her hot, throbbing length inside my slick, clutching depth! As though it was she whose groans grew deeper as she filled my spasming sex with her erupting pleasure before she leaned back and turned me over! As though it was I who knelt on the bed with my heavy tits swinging to the rhythm of her urgent thrusts and collapsing with quivering ecstasy at our simultaneous climax!

    And now it IS I who catches my breath and runs my manicured fingers through my blonde locks while he dresses and silently closes the door behind him! - -

    Or, maybe something like that, eh, Kayla?!


    1. Elle, that was absolutely perfect! I know what you mean about "being her", I should be more specific. I figured as well that it was a bit manipulated, but I think most of us want to do that real life as it is!

    2. I'm so sorry, Kayla! I should have replied to this a LOT sooner!

      No problem with your specificity, Sweetie. I simply enjoy playing with words that way. And, yes. You are absolutely right about so many of we who are into TG/TF-Captions & erotica fiction, I believe! We'd all LOVE to have our flesh manipulated in some/many manners!!!


  4. I tend to agree with the others.. she looks a bit too "adjusted"... That being said i wouldn't mind having a gurl wife like her. :-)
