Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Risky Stuff

Being in a gang I was always supposed to be tough and manly, but when I heard of the XGEN pill, I had to try it.  Watching my girlfriends cum so loudly and intensely I was naturally curious. 
My roommate was supposed to be gone for the weekend to a bike rally in Georgia, so I paid the $300 for the pill on the black market.  Being "generic", there was a risk of becoming permanently a woman if I came in contact with male semen in either my mouth, ass or pussy.  I felt that there was no way in hell that would happen!  I was going to spend the two days by myself with a dildo, and that was all!
Day 1 was wonderful!  The change was not hard, I laid down as I felt my body shift.  Breasts swelling from my chest, my usually large cock shrinking down and a pussy forming just below it.  My ass expanding out, hips widening out so womanly...  I started playing with myself almost immediately, it was like I was constantly horny!  I came so many times it was so awesome!  I found out that I was a screamer as a female... I wore that dildo out... I passed out on the couch from the pleasure, the dildo still in my pussy.
That next morning I was so groggy, it felt like someone had pulled out the dildo and moved me onto my stomach.  Suddenly two strong arms pushed me down flat, me crying out in pain, someone moved behind me, straddling me, and I felt a man's cock pushing into me!
It slid in easily, as for some reason I was still horny from the previous night.  Looking in the mirror I could see my roommate! 
A wicked smile on his face, he holds me down, pumping deep into my pussy, whispering in my ear "I always knew you were a bitch.  Now you've proven it to me.  Who do you think sold you the XGEN?  We control it you stupid slut.  I made SURE to get you the XGEN that was generic, then planned to do this to you.  After I cum in you you'll be my property, and you know what happens to our club's bitches... you'll be passed around to all the members."
My eyes widened at his words, then I CAME so hard around his cock, my pussy pulsing quickly around his cock, milking it. 
"My little slut likes that does she, you simpering sissy... well, panties for you it is CUNT!"
And with that, I felt his cock throb inside of me, then pulse as his jizz filled my grasping pussy, sealing me as Sissy Bitch, the clubs newest whore...

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