Friday, September 30, 2016

Don't Take Advantage!

"Look at yourself in the mirror sissy.  What kind of man lets another man fuck them?  Hmmm?  No man does.  Only women and sissies.  You fall under both categories don't you?  Look at your boobies bounce!  Your pretty face, makeup on just right.  You've got a beautiful round ass, girl.  It jiggles as I pound into you.  This is what you were meant for, presenting your ass for real men by being on your knees, your slick and wet pussy ready for real cocks."
"Oh you liked that thought didn't you?  I felt your pussy clench down on my dick.  Let's see... is there any of your little sissy clit left, or has it finally become your woman's clit?  Oh there it is, what is that, an inch long?  No, it's smaller than that.  It's about to morph any second now."
"You poor stupid bastard.. I mean bitch.  All you had to do is not touch my daughter.  Be a nice boy I said to you.  Yet you got her drunk and tried to take advantage of her.  Well now where are you, Sissy?  Now you're a small fertile woman being fucked bareback and you can't stop yourself, can you?  Feels so good to you, being a little woman being used by her man.  You're nothing but a mans cum dumpster.  Ugggg oh wow your pussy is really doing a number on my dick.. I'm about to cum in you.  You'll love that feeling... a mans cock shooting baby juice into you."
"Yeah you like that thought too, you want to make babies don't you, Sissy... hmmm that's your new name, Cissy.  Cissy Mountjoy.  Cissy wants to be a mommy I think, don't you?  I told you that you would soon forget your previous life.  Cissy is taking over.  And with your clitty cock gone, you can now become pregnant.  Everything is in place.  I've always wanted another child.  Now Cissy, I'm gonna fill your  womb with my seed!  UGGGGggggggGGGgYEAHHHHHHH!!!!"


  1. Another hot story with a guy getting turned into a now fertile little fucktoy! Keep it up!

  2. Ooo, soo sexy! The new girl's expression makes it easy to imagine the mix of horror and ecstasy going through her mind as her new master makes her into his eager new baby factory!
