Thursday, September 29, 2016

Karl's Punishment?

Kathy could hear moans and squeals from her new daughters bedroom.  Peeking through the door, she watches as a very pregnant Katrina, formerly her husband Karl, writhe on the bed in pleasure.  She was using the vibrator that Kathy had "accidently" left in Katrina's room, a large wet spot on the bed between her legs, and her hard nipples leaking milk.
Thinking back, it hadn't taken very long to get Katrina to go out with boys.  The threat of being left an 18 yr old hanging over his head, he figured it would easy to resist their charms.  He could last the 4 weeks of punishment for looking at young girls as they walked by.  What he didn't know that his new "Mother" had made it so she was very easily aroused, very fertile, her hormones really out of balance.
Karl nearly made it.  He had managed to go on dates, but stay away from any form of sex.  In week 3, he couldn't take it any more, and on Katrina's date with the sweet, handsome boy across the street, Dave, she blew the boys cock.  As the semen filled her mouth, Katrina came with an intensity that wet her shorts completely.
That feeling didn't leave her thoughts all night and through the day as she cleaned the house, her panties constantly wet.  She had played with herself several times that day, each time making her feel even more horny. 
That night she let Dave take her virginity, and that one time was all it took to knock her up.  After that, Katrina let the boy take her time and again, becoming more and more feminine each time.  Wearing dresses, sexy clothing, makeup... all to entice Dave and get his attention.  Which it did, as Dave moved into their home.
Back in the present, some 7 months later, Katrina gasps and moans through another orgasm, her swollen belly jiggling, her growing breasts leaking down her body, her thick thighs covered in her own juices.  She sat her now fat ass in her own juices, squealing with joy each time she came, her legs spreading widely.  She had taken to having to masturbate almost every hour when Dave wasn't home.  When he was home she put the boy though the paces, allowing him to use her over and over again.  He sure kept her pussy packed with his cum!
Well, at least she would have one grandchild soon, and probably many more.  She didn't think Karl would be able to be turned back now.  He loved being Katrina too much.

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