Monday, September 26, 2016

Resistance Overwhelmed

 Randy was riding Jacks cock fiercely, wet slapping sounds filling the room.
"Randy, all you have to do is stop, and stop cumming, and you'll change back in a couple of hours.  Unless you don't want to turn back.... is that what it is Randy?" Jack teased, knowing full well that Randy was no longer in control.
"No please make me stop, it feels too good.. I don't wanna be a girl Jack... OOOHHHhhh god no not again aAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Randy screams as her pussy pulses around Jacks cock, body quaking in pleasure as her orgasms rush through her.
"I told you Randy, stop yourself now.  If you don't, I'm going to have to cum in your unprotected pussy, and you know what that means.  At least 4 months in this form when you get cum in your sweet little pussy.  And if you get PREGNANT, well, you have at least 2 years, you have to breast feed you know." Jack says, expecting Randy to do just that. 
"But I don't think you will stop Randy.  I think you want to be a mewling slut begging for cock.  Just a fat assed horny bitch willing to do anything for a cock, even allow it to fuck her without protection.  This morning you blew me before I even woke up.  I caught you fingering yourself in the shower, pulling on your tits.  You're too far gone slut.  And just so you know, if it's 4 months or 2 years, I'm still going to be fucking you during that time.  Your body won't change further, and it won't change back either."
"OH GOD NO.... STOP ME!! STOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH" Randy screams again, the situation fueling her lust.  Her newly acquired assets turning her on, just as she had read online in stories.  Now it was coming true for her... him.  She felt her hips widen again, her tits swell out more.  Her already luscious ass becoming even more so.  Her pussy milking Jacks cock, Jacks precum adding days to Randy's transformation as it leaks into her pussy.
Jack smiles, feeling his orgasm approaching, and slaps Randy's jiggling ass.
"One last thing... uHHh before I cum inside you Randy... You notice how easy it is to talk you into things?  It's part of the spell.  UGGGGHH yeah... You have to do as I say, you don't have a choice.  You're basically UGGGHH.. my SEX SLAVE!!   Here it CUMS baby, is it going to be 4 months or 2 years?  UUUUHHHHHHHHH AAHHHH YEAH!" Jack yells, pumping his seed deep into Randy's quivering cunt.
All Randy can do is post up and down on the spewing cock, unable to stop herself as she feels the heat of his semen fill her pussy and womb with seed.  Crying softly, she pulls on her expanded nipples and moans in orgasm again and again...


  1. Really hot... her unable to stop... knowing she should, but wanting it.

  2. OH I definitely agree with Anonymous! The whole being unable to stop his/her self despite knowing it's the only way to change back is absolute gold!

  3. Love this story. Been busy hard to post but I've gotten off to all your recent caps.

  4. Very hot, like all your stories. It's a nice bit of extra cruelty when Jack pretends that it's Randy's choice but he doesn't really have one. And the breastfeeding angle just adds to the humiliation. Keep up the great work!
