Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Feedback Please!

Good morning everyone!
I haven't gotten ANY comments from anyone recently, just kinda wondering how everyone is taking my new posts... Are they any good?  I see lots of views but no one is saying anything...
Is everyone constantly masturbating?


  1. I like them, but I wish there was more bondage stuff! I really like the idea of forced transformations when they are bound! I also love bimbo/sex doll/extreme proportions transformation stuff!

  2. Your recent stuff is good but the longer posts should have more exposition to them. I've always found that the buildup of plot in these sorts of things increases the satisfaction of their high points. It would also be cool to see more daddy stuff. Like a son who gets turned into a sexy slutty daughter who loves her daddy and does as he asks.

  3. I think everyone has their own fetishes so I'm positive plenty are loving it, but me personally most of the stuff lately hasn't entirely been down my alley. Hasn't stopped me from reading and enjoying all of them, it's just none turned me on quite as much as some of your others. Keep at it though, I like the idea of evolving your work and testing out new ideas. That's how you know you like what you do.

  4. Some of your stuff I find very hot, particularly where the unsuspecting man gets transformed and is overwhelmed by his/her new urges. I also like the pregnancy risk aspect
