Friday, October 7, 2016

Modeling Trap Part 3

That night Dave dreamt strange dreams... kneeling before Max... your Daddy...
Taking Daddy's cock in your mouth, you start sucking on it lovingly, worshiping his cock.

You're body shakes with pleasure, your nipples so hard!  gripping his shaft you gently stroke it as your tongue licks precum from the tip, loving the taste of your Daddy's cock.
Sensing Daddy's getting closer to cumming, you suck harder on his prick, so wanting to taste his seed as it fills your mouth.

Daddy's cock swells and throbs, the taste of his thick seed flooding your mouth as you swallow it all, grateful for his gift.  Daddy strokes his own cock covering your lips with his jizz.  Your own clitty swells and drools your cream onto the floor.

You wake up shaking in pleasure, moaning, your cock actually shooting cum into the air and onto the sheets!  After a moment, you realize you're back to being Dave.  But you feel... wrong.... out of place....
Shaking your head, you start doing just as Daddy wanted, you take the few female clothes and makeup you have and pack them into a large bag.  Trying to stop yourself, you are unable to do so.  Walking around naked, you try to put on male clothes, but you can't force yourself to do so.  Trying to put on your panties, you realize you can't fit into them... yet. 
"Damn, he's really fucked with my mind.." you think.  Walking over to your... Missy's purse, you take out the SGEN pill, the last one that you have, and take it.  Moments later, you morph back into Missy.  You bite your lower lip, as your clit is rock hard.
"It was quicker this time", you gasp.  "I wonder if that's part of the side effects... shorter time to change, resulting in never changing back..." Caressing her body, she has to consciously stop her self and continue getting ready. 
Putting on your clothes and finishing packing, you leave behind all of David's things.  ID, cell, cancelled credit cards, everything.  David's life is gone.  Missy's life is just beginning.

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