Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Asian Transformation Part 1

Dr. Daniel Prescott was a genetic researcher, one of the best in the world.  Over the last 4 years he had been researching a way to re-sequence a person's DNA to prevent disease, cure disease, you name it, and had come up with a formula that might actually work.
Working with his brother, Nathan, he planned on using the DNA serum on himself, skipping government regulations.  He felt for sure it would work!
Nathan injected Daniel, and he went to sleep in the spare office, where employees were allowed to store a lot of extra clothes and such, waiting for the results the next morning.
Daniel woke up, seeing Nathan standing there with a bemused expression on his face.
"What's wrong Nathan?" giggled Daniel.
"Uhhh I think we have a problem Danny.  Why exactly did you put on those clothes?"
"Dunno!  I guess last night, I felt all hot and sticky in my jamas!" giggled Daniel.
"Have you looked at yourself?  What the hell happened?" Nathan said, concerned for his brother.

"I know I used a lot of Asian DNA samples n stuff... maybe that's why I look so hot!  See, look at my little titties!  Aren't they cute?" said Daniel, smiling up at Nathan.
"Hey don't do that..."
"This?" giggled Daniel.
"I think my little brother wants to see more of Dani!" said Daniel.
"Look, put back on your clothes and lets try the reversal formula..."
"Can't yet, silly!  Hafta wait 24 hours or sumtin like that... yeah, 24 hours.  Ooooh look how cute and tiny I turned out!  I know you just wanna touch me Nathan... I can see your dick bulging..." Dani giggles, pointing to Nathan's erection.
Dani licks her lips... "I know you wanna touch me, look at my pussy, BIG brother!" giggles Dani, eying Nathan's cock.
"Look how pretty it is, it needs you Nathan..."
"See, my finger slides right in... Oooohhhh feels so good!"
"I'm gonna love playing with my pussy!"
"Ooooooooo and my ass!  OH that feels so good!"
"Look stop DANIEL!  We need to figure this out.  Get some clothes on and meet me out here, I'll be right back." Nathan says, and walks out the door.
15 minutes later, Nathan walks into the spare room only to find Daniel sucking on his toes on the couch.
"What the hell are you doing?" Nathan says, looking bewildered.
"Mmmm suckin on my toesy's!  It makes my pussy feel so good... "
"It just feels so good spreadin my legs like this.  C'mre and see, Nathan!"
Daniel pulls off his panties and spreads his pussy lips, her fingers twirling around the edge, causing her to moans softly...
"Look Daniel you've got to stop, please stop it!"
"Fine!  Whatever you big stupid." Daniel pouts.
"Thank you.  Now go to the bathroom and clean up."
"Yes Daddy" giggles Daniel and she skips into the bathroom.
Nathan can only shake his head, and starts looking at the formula.
Dani pees, cleans herself, and starts to change clothes.  Looking in the mirror, she see's how short she is now.  Giggling, she lifts up her foot and sucks on her toe, sending sparks directly to her new pussy.
"Dang I gotta get off or sumthin... I know Nate will be mad, but just gotta take the edge off..."
Dani starts playing with herself, spreading her legs and sliding her panties to the side.
She grabs a hairbrush, sliding it inside her hot pussy.  She whimpers in pleasure as she feels an orgasm coming fast.
"Oh God, this feels way better than being a boy...OOoohhh"
Knocking on the door startles Dani.  "Are you done in there yet?" yells Nathan.
"Uh yeah, one sec!" answers Dani.  She takes off her stockings because they turn her on so much.  Dani looks in the mirror, putting on her lipstick.
Picking up the syringe on the sink, she giggles and injects herself with more of the serum...
To Be Continued...



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