Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Kitty's Birth

He's killing you.
He's fucking you into oblivion.
With each orgasm, more and more of you dies, your DNA replaced by a females...
With each stroke of his cock in your ass, your cock shoots out load after load of testosterone... your tits swell along with your hips and ass... you lose body mass as he grabs your cock and strokes it, as your ass spreads wider and wider, his cock pumping into you... Your body shrinking, smaller and smaller...

 Your squeals of pleasure higher pitched with each stroke, your toes curling with each orgasm that burns through you.
You feel your nipples harden then swell out, along with your breasts...
His cock feels so good in your ass... your body quakes as you feel another orgasm rushing into you... your clitty cock squirting onto your chest, covering you in semen.
You scream as another orgasm pushes you further into femininity...
You look up at him, eyes begging... he smiles, slows down the stroking of his cock into your ass, then laughs as his hand increases the stroking of your clitty cock... Your eyes widen as the biggest orgasm in your life crushes your maleness...
You scream... and Kitty is born.



  1. Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty!!!! Nice little sissy slut!!!

  2. Ooo of I'd love to see more of the background on this one. What events brought Kitty to the situation she's in now?
