Wednesday, November 2, 2016

New Story... Wait.. How MANY PAGEVIEWS?

I feel like I'm draining all of your cocks (and licking a ton of pussy!) right now, I've hit OVER 600,000 views!  (My tummy feels full, so full of yummy, creamy, jizz!)
Now yes, it's taken a while, but keep in mind that I've been away for sometimes up to 8 months at a time.  But that doesn't matter to my babies out there in the interwebs... all of you who CUM back, and keep on CUMMING back to my blog.  I know it takes time to read them, cum to them.  I hope you all cum to them!
Thank you all for your interest, and please continue enjoying my stories.  I hope to continue to excite you all for many years to CUM!!!
And remember to DONATE!

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