Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Prestons Choice Part 3

 Brenda giggled as she turned off the lights in Prissy's place.  It hadn't taken her long to rig the camera's and speakers.  She could now watch Prissy's every move, and use the tapes to mold Prissy into what her employer wanted her to be.  Who knows what it is, but it's definitely going to be a slutty woman that Prissy will be.  The tapes would also "suggest" how to put on makeup, what clothing to wear, etc.
In a couple of weeks, the 2nd step should take place.  Brenda will have fun with that stage!
It took 3 days for Prissy to recover from her ordeal at the porn shop.  Her "urges" had apparently gone away, at least for the time being.  She had been around several men over the last few days, but nothing happened, so she hopes that was the end of it.  She had no idea how sore a mouth could get from sucking cock, but then again she sucked 4 of them that day!
Luckily she was able to recover over the weekend, so she could start her new job at the lawyers office.  Not that she needed the money.  She needed the experience of being a woman in an office environment, of getting all the skills that she will need in her new life.  On the job training, so to speak.  Besides, in her previous life she had been an attorney, and she had set her credentials up as a researcher (one skill of many that she had credentials for).
Getting ready for work was new to Prissy, having originally retired years ago.  And now she was having to do her hair, her makeup, nails, toenails, eyebrows, and to be sure her clothing matched!  Surprisingly to Prissy, she was ready for work in 40 minutes.
"Once I get used to doing this in the mornings, I can cut that time down..." Prissy thinks to herself.
Dressing in what she is now thinking is office clothes, she heads into work.  Not knowing it, Prissy struts her stuff, her ass undulating in her short skirt, her breasts almost popping out of her top, turning heads as she walks. 
She also doesn't realize that she's looking and smiling at men as they walk by...
Making it into the office, Miss Wilson shows her to her desk after introducing her to the staff.  "Smaller than what I've had in the past, but it will do.." Prissy muses.
Settling in, Prissy checks her desk, noting what she will need from supply.  Heading down to the supply desk, Prissy meets Jason Hays, the intern.
"Pleasure to meet you Jason..." Prissy says, a bit flirtatiously.
"Thank you Miss Summers, it's definitely my pleasure." he smiles, warmly.  "I'll drop off your items once they come in this afternoon."
"Be sure to knock, please, before coming in.  You never know what might be going on!" Prissy giggles.
"Yes, ma'am!" Jason laughs, thinking nothing of it.
Walking out of Supply, Prissy suddenly feels faint.  Wobbling to the ladies room, she freshens up a bit.  Making her way to her office, she feels it... Prissy feels her blood boil, her body heat up as her pussy engorges itself, her nipples harden through her bra.  Usually at this stage she can get away with masturbating, she thinks to herself.
Barely making it to her office, Prissy stumbles in and sits in her chair, turning away from the door, allowing herself some privacy to masturbate quickly, hoping that will put off the urges for a while.
Moaning softly, Prissy pleasures herself for 30 minutes, bringing herself off several times... and in walks Jason without knocking, and not even noticing Prissy's skirt up.
"What the hell do you think you're doing Jason!" yells a flustered Prissy, as she quickly stands.  "I specifically told you to knock on my door!"
"Your pussy is so sticky with girlie cum, Prissy... I bet he has what you need!"
Prissy's knees buckle a bit, her pussy spasming as the thought of Jason's cock fills her mind with images of him fucking her hard.
"I'm sorry Miss Summers, I.. I thought you were kidding..." Jason stammers.
"Does.. does it sound like I'm kidding...now.. go umm.. go close and lock that door, now!" Prissy  tells Jason.
Jason quickly complies, not thinking that it is strange at the moment.
Prissy, her legs trembling, her pussy contracting, tells Jason "Now sit here, sit!"
Scratching his head, Jason does as he is told...
"Miss Summers, I'm sorry but I thought you were kidding me.  I didn't expect to walk in on you... ummm, doing what you were doing... I promise not to tell anyone..."
"Prissy likes strong, handsome men, Prissy will play with Jason... Prissy is a bimbo!"
Prissy giggles, and pulls down her top.  "It's ok Jason... I need me a cock, and you're going to give it to me..."
"Yeah baby, suck on Prissy's nipples.." Prissy giggles.  Jason's cock swells quickly as Prissy touches and fondles Jason.
Her top falling away, Prissy unbuckles Jason's pants, and feels his cock.  "Ooooo it's a big cock, is that for Prissy?" she says, looking up at Jason...
Jason Looks down on Prissy, and takes a more commanding tone with her, "It's all for little Prissy... Prissy wants to suck my cock doesn't she?"
"YES!" giggles Prissy.
Kneeling down, Prissy moans and grasps his cock, her mouth engulfing the head, her hand grabbing the shaft and stroking it.
"Prissy loves being a bimbo slut!  Prissy can't stop herself!"
Jason moans, and smiles.  He knows a sub when he see's one.  He's been in the clubs.  Girls like this are easy pickings, all he has to do is dominate her, and he can have this ass any time he wants.
"That's a girl, Prissy... suck my cock like a pro... I want you to do this every day for me, do you understand?"  Prissy moans...
"Does Prissy understand me!" commands Jason.
Prissy looks up and nods quickly, her eyes locked on his for a moment, then moans again, her eyes roll back into her eyes and she shudders.
Jason looks down.  "Shit, I think she just came..." he thinks.  "This will be easier than I thought..."
Prissy happily sucks on Jason's cock, and inside her mind there is a battle going on.
Prissy the bimbo and Prissy the normal person are at odds.  Normal Prissy doesn't want to do this!  Bimbo Prissy loves sucking cock!
"I'm gonna win cuz this is what you want to, silly!  I can feel it and HEAR it in your thoughts!  Prissy.. no.  PRESTON wants to be PRISSY THE SISSY BIMBO SLUT!  And you're going to be one whether you WANT IT or NOT!" Bimbo Prissy says, and Normal Prissy shudders in fear, feeling the strength of Bimbo Prissy. "Is this a side effect of..of..the... druuuugs?" Normal Prissy whimpers.
Bimbo Prissy cums, giving Normal Prissy her answer.
Prissy moans and sucks, stroking his cock lovingly.
"Mmmmm good girl Prissy, now take off that skirt and bend over" Jason tells her.
Bimbo Prissy unwillingly stops sucking on his cock, and does as she is told.
"Such a beautiful ass, made for fucking isn't it Prissy?"
"Yes, Jason.. made for your cock..."
"That's right.  Made for my cock.  And everybody else's, too.  Isn't that right Prissy?"
Prissy moans, "Yes sir..."
Tearing a hole into her pantyhose, Jason is amazed at how wet her panty hose are.
Prissy's ass squirms as Jason rips the fabric.
"MMmm.. Prissy's pussy smells so good!" Jason says, then licking her pussy and clit, sending Prissy into orgasm after orgasm for 10 minutes straight. 
"Prissy loves submitting to dominant men!  Prissy is nothing but a bimbo slut in their presence, a horny, slutty, bimbo..."
Jason rolls an exhausted Prissy onto her back, as she whimpers in pleasure.  She shakes her head, trying to clear her mind... "He's so strong.. strong man... controllingggggggOOOHhhhhhh" she thinks, moaning as she does so.
 "That's a good Prissy... time for Prissy to take DICKtation!" Jason laughs.
Prissy's body quakes in pleasure, Jason feeding her his cock slowly, it sliding deep into her pussy.  Looking between her legs, Prissy thinks how good it feels to be a bimbo slut, and also how can she escape! 
All thought is lost when Jason starts to pump deep into her pussy.

"Ooooohhhh yes fucckkk Prissy!" she yells, legs bouncing in the air as he pounds into her.
Grabbing her legs, Jason squeezes them together, and allows him to pump deeper and deeper into her.  Prissy moans loudly, his cock even deeper than anyone has ever been inside her pussy.

Screaming in pleasure, Prissy cums multiple times as his cock continues pumping into her, wet slapping sounds filling the air. 
Pulling her up, he drags her over to the chair and sits down, pulling her down on top of him, straddling his legs.  Not giving her a chance to catch her breath, he again starts pumping deep into her pussy.
"Oh god yes fuck Prissy's little pussy! OOOHHHOOooooOHHHHHh"
Whimpering and cooing, Prissy rides the thick cock, her big tits bouncing, her ass jiggles as Jason kneads her ass. 
"Oh God help me I am loving this too much again... it's so... so addicting so much pleasure... it's like my body is wired for this... wired to be a.. a slut!" Prissy thinks, unable to speak as Jason takes control, raising her up and pushing her down on his hard cock.
"My only... oooOOOoohhhh hope is to tell Jason..." Prissy thinks.
"Jassssssoooonnn pleeeeeeaseeeee.... sssstttttt......OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Prissy cries out, cumming hard.  Prissy rolls off of Jason, onto the plush carpet below, onto her knees.  Jason quickly moves behind her, sliding in his cock with a squishing sound.

Prissy's body tingles and she can barely move, smiling to herself as the cock pumps into her.  She reaches between her legs and plays with his balls for a moment, then her clit, then a orgasm crashes over her body.

Managing to get up on all fours, Prissy fondles her on tits, causing her to again cum hard, and fall face first onto the carpet.

"Ohhh yeah Prissy, I'm gonna cum in you... gonna cum hard inside that sweet pussy of yours!  I'm marking you as mine, slut!  MY CUM MAKES YOU MINE!
"YES YES YES YES CUMMMMMMMMM" Prissy cries out in shame and bliss, feeling his cock throb inside her pussy, then feeling it twitching, then flooding her pussy with his seed.
Bimbo Prissy uses her pussy to milk his cock of all of it's seed.  She loves the feeling of it as it goes deep inside her. 
Jason removes his cock, sighing in pleasure, watching as his cum leaks down her thighs.  He figures 2 weeks and he can have her doing anything for him.
Normal Prissy whimpers in shame, feeling the cum leaking out of her, knowing that soon, very soon, the bimbo inside of her will take over completely if she doesn't somehow stop.

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