Monday, November 14, 2016

Ron's Revenge

Ron said it would be a blast to have sex as a woman, you could both do it, then change back!  You would be the woman first, then after you change back, he would be the woman...

Randy agrees, taking the XGEN pill from him.... the pink one.  Swallowing it down with some wine, you feel a warmth fill your body...
The room seems to grow larger as you shrink in height...
Your hips flare out, your shorts tight around them...
Your ass pushes out, giving you a large bubble butt...
Your waist compress's down, as does your shoulders...
You lose muscle mass from your chest, legs, and arms, a layer of womanly fat covering your body, giving you the secondary characteristics of a woman.
Your breasts swell out to DDD cups, almost causing your to fall forwards...
Your brain loses most of its capacity to reason and think...
Your cock quickly shrinks down, leaving a hot, wet slit...
Giggling, you ask the man in front of you if he could help you...

2 hours later, Ron smiles as his "old buddy" Randy cums for the 10th time from his pounding dick, grasping onto the sheets as her pussy milks his cock...
What Ron didn't tell Randy was how much he hated him, he knew that Randy had slept with his sister years ago, when she was drunk.  Raped her was more like it.  It had screwed her life up.  Now was his revenge for his sister, finally!
Ron smiles, slapping Randy's fat ass, watches it jiggle, then slowly fucks her some more.  Damn she's wet, he thinks, as her pussy makes squishing noises as his cock easily slides in and out of her.
It won't be long before Ron fills Randy with another load of cum, most likely making the XGEN pill effects permanent.  Which means, one more load into her after this one! 
Then Ron will sell Randy to Marcus, the local pimp, for her to spend the rest of her life fucking and sucking cock.
Randy screams as she cums again, as Ron's cock twitches, throbs, then floods her pussy with cum...


  1. Very hot... hopefully turns out fertile and baby-crazy too.

    1. Damn hot and sexy revenge story!!! I agree with the previous comment too!!!
