Friday, December 9, 2016

It's Time Again!

Who doesn't love your man slowly fucking you, building you up to a huge cum!  That long, thick shaft pumping into you, hitting that right spot that sends that spark through your body, making it tingle!  Your hard nipples scrapping the sheets as your boobs sway beneath you?
Or, you all reading my little short stories, building up to a nice, gooey orgasm that makes you shake and quiver in your panties as you read all my creations adventures, imagining yourself in their place?
Everyone loves it!  And I am rewarded, by you, my horny little sluts, when you make comments on how I'm doing, or at least follow my dirty little blog!
So please, make your comments (you can do so anonymously) and follow me... it makes me happy to see how many page hits I get (over 1400 a day!), but I'd like to see more comments!
I love you girls, happy holidays!


  1. Love them. Happy Holidays to you too Kayla. Keep up the great work babydoll!!! Mwah!!!

  2. each time I read one of your stories I fell my manliness leaving out my mind to be replaced by a cock hungry desires... i cant stop!
