Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Cheater Turned Sucker

Walter Mitchell had been cheating on his wife for years... always with hookers.  Since no emotional attachment, he felt that it was just sex, so no REAL cheating.  He didn't HAVE to pay for it, but he did, thinking to himself, it's no different than jerking off to a porno.
One night after arriving home late from "work", Walter quietly made his way into the bedroom.  He could hear his wife was asleep, so he smiled to himself thinking he had gotten away with it again.
No sooner than he had closed his eyes, he felt something stick him in the arm...
"That's the last time you fuck around on me, you bastard... well... bitch!" his wife, Mary, said before he blacked out.
Walter moaned, trying shaking his head clear... opening his eyes, everything was blurry... he could feel that he was bound strangely, and couldn't close his mouth... he felt gloves on his hands and arms, and his feet felt like they were being stretched and crushed!  His waist felt the same, being so compressed he could barely breath... He stuck his tongue out, feeling something keeping his mouth open and free..
His mind flashes to memories... his mouth forced open...
Being forced to kneel before something... or someone...
His mouth filling with a thick, warm, salty liquid, then being forced to swallow...
His mind is brought back to the present, as he feels something in his crotch, large, long, and thick... and his crotch felt different... wet... the rope slipping between what felt like to folds of flesh... a pussy?  Trying to look down, all he can see is two huge mounds of flesh... I have tits!!
His whole body spasms when the thing in his crotch starts vibrating and oscillating wildly!
Waves of pleasure crash over his body, as he feels something building up inside his crotch... a feeling he's never felt before... "MMMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHHHhh!" he cries out and mewls in pleasure, his voice sounding so high pitch... he tries to close his legs but he can't, some type of bar keeping his legs spread... his mind again flashing...
The man standing over him, his cock pistoning in and out of his mouth until he grunts, then cums, filling his mouth with jizm.
Walter's hips bump and grind, ass raising into the air... trying to move the thing inside himself in some way... his ass jiggles wildly as he struggles...
All he can do is roll around on the floor... unable to close his legs to try to stop the vibrations... his breathing increases... gasping for breath... his crotch feeling like it's about to melt... eyes open wide and suddenly the vibrations stop!!!
He remembers several people are around him as they jerk their cocks, filling his mouth to the top with their cum... a woman holding his head still as they all relieve themselves...
The vibrator roars to life between his legs, causing him to cry out.  His entire body quakes as what feels like the greatest orgasm of his life builds... and builds... and builds... until the vibrator stops again!
Walter cries out in frustration as he rolls around on the floor again, trying to get some relief.  He looks up, and see's his wife for the first time.
"Hello darling... I see you've gotten yourself into quite the predicament..."
Mary smiles and pulls out a remote from her pocket...
"Let's set this to low for the moment..."
Walter squeals in pleasure as the vibrator slowly hums to life again.
"So, my sweet husband.  You're going to be given a choice..." Mary says, watching Walter as he slowly climbs to an orgasm.
"You can cum, and remain a woman for a year... but as a hooker... and be given the choice again.  OR don't cum and I'll change you back.  It's your choice dear.  You'll have 24 hours to decide... oh, and no, this teasing will continue that entire time... it won't stop.  And those flashbacks... those won't stop either.  You've got a long time ahead of you.  BUT if you decide you WANT to CUM, just say so ANYTIME, and I'll let you cum.  But that will be your decision to remain female for the year.  Sound fair?  I thought so... " Mary laughs.  She stops the vibrator and kneels beside Walter.
"I know all about your little flings with the hookers over the years."  Walters eyes widen...  "Oh yes, all about them now.  Thanks to your secretary.  He finally couldn't take it any more and told me all about it.  He's been thanked by you already... oh yes... that taste in your mouth?  His cum." Mary laughs, starting the vibrator again.
"NNNGGGGGGGG!!" Walter whimpers, her... his... sensitive pussy almost to a breaking point already.
Walter tries to remove her restraints... his!  But can't reach them... to tight...
The pressure continues to build... her... his body feeling so hot!
"Oh, I almost forgot.  my girl's gonna need a name, aren't you... Walter certainly won't work.  How about...Bunni?  Bunni Booty!  That's a good one... You'll be using that booty of yours to entrance the men... If you cum, of course.  But a strong man like you can resist this... I just bet in... let's see how much time is left... 23 hours and 30 minutes you'll be making me suck you right here on the floor, your huge, thick, cum filled cock, filling my mouth with cum, won't you?"
Bunni cries out as in her mind, it's her swallowing the cum flooding her mouth!  The hot, salty, slimy semen fills her cheeks to overflowing as she tries to swallow it all...
"Oh you poor thing, got you thinking about YOU sucking a HUGE, FAT COCK, didn't I?"
Bunni whimpers, her legs spasming as she struggles... the name Bunni stuck in her head... she can't get it out of her mind!
"Yep.  That's what happened alright... I see your pussy quivering around the dildo... You better concentrate on not cumming, Bunni.  I know.  Think about that hooker you were fucking yesterday.  That should bolster your manhood, don't you think?  That cock pounding away... filling that pussy... it's the best feeling in the world you know, having a dick fill you up until you cum so hard you scream..."
Bunni's mind fills with images of being used by men... fucking her hard... enslaved...
"Oh baby I think you're not going to make it... I guess you AREN'T strong enough, are you?" Mary giggles.  "My, my how the mighty have fallen!  Ok I'll give you a break, Bunni.  Same deal as before, BUT you can't cum for the next 15 minutes.  ONLY 15 minutes.  But there is a catch... do you want to make that deal, Bunni Booty?" Mary smiles down at the writhing Bunni...
Bunni nods her head... thinking she can last that long... as long as she doesn't turn up the...
Mary smiles "Ok, sweety, deal done... OH for this deal you have to endure the highest setting on the vibrator..." Mary giggles, and turns the vibrator onto it's highest setting...
Bunni's body is wracked with pleasure, her thighs quiver, a panicked look on her face...
"Just saying... you cum, you're stuck... 1 year as a hooker working for me, giving me all your money you make on your back, those cocks pumping deep into you..."
"...sucking all those lovely, cum filled dicks until they explode, filling your mouth with their seed so that you can swallow EACH and EVERY DROP..."
"... on your hands and knees taking those cocks like a good little whore..."
"...feeling those cocks squirting all that yummy cum deep into your ass..."
"...filling that hungry pussy with so much cum it runs out of you..."
Bunni squeals and moans, the orgasm building faster, faster... the images in her mind sending her closer and closer to orgasm, causing her pussy to try to milk the dildo inside her... those feelings sending her even closer to the edge...
Bunni's eyes open wide as she screams, her entire body quaking, legs shaking as a huge orgasm washes over her body... her legs rising and falling... trying to hump the vibrator as it pistons in and out of her steadily, increasing her pleasure as it keeps fucking her, slowing down more and more, then speeding up again causing Bunni to orgasm again and again...
Finally, Bunni collapses.  Breathing hard, tears flowing down her cheeks... sobbing.
"Awwww poor little whore, you thought you would make it, didn't you..." Mary laughs... and switches back on the vibrator, setting it to medium.
"Now, for every orgasm you have in the next... lets see... 23 hours... will add 6 months to your... how shall I say... 'sentence'.  I have a feeling, my dear, you're going to be this way for a long, long time."
Bunni cries out as the vibrator turns back on.  She whimpers and whines as her pussy is again assaulted..,
Mary sits down, and watches Bunni struggle...
She never had any intention of turning her back.  The change was permanent in the first place.  It's just fun to watch her try and NOT cum.  Besides... after about 3 hours she'll be addicted to orgasms, and after the full 24 hours, she'll never say no to any man.
 The shame and embarrassment of not being able to stop herself will be a wonderful torture to her for years to come... 
Bunni yelps... and then screams as another orgasm crashes over her body...
Sobbing uncontrollably, Bunni tries again to reach the dildo, but only set's off another, even stronger orgasm, causing her to scream even louder through her ring gag.
Mary can only laugh...

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