Thursday, April 6, 2017

School Daze Part 1


Chad Ford had been a detective for years on the force before deciding to retire on half pension and become a private detective.  He had a very successful client list, and was willing to do anything it took to solve a client's case.
Chad waited impatiently for his next client at his favorite coffee shop.  Just as he checked his watch, Jennifer Watkins walked up and introduced herself.
"So, Miss Watkins, it's my understanding you're concerned about your younger sister and the girls school she's going to?"  Chad asks.
"Yes Mr. Ford.  She's been spending more and more time there, and doesn't want to even come home at this point!  Julie used to love to come visit, but now it seems that she's either doing something or seeing someone.  And with our family money, I just want to be reassured that this person or person's are legitimate."
"In other words, you're wanting to make sure that there isn't any money grubbing hanky panky going on." Chad says, smiling.
"I can assure you, Miss Watkins, nothing will stop me from finding out what's going on at her school..."
"Whatever the cost Mr. Ford.  Find out and let me know as soon as possible..." Jennifer says, handing Chad a check for $10,000.  "This should cover the first few weeks, I assume.  If you find out sooner, keep the rest as a bonus."
Chad smiles, and reassures her he'll find out, whatever it takes.
The next day, Chad wakes up early.  "Got to get situated before I head into the school..." he thinks.  Taking out his XGEN stash from his safe, he takes one of the smaller pills.  "Should only last a day or two..." he thinks, swallowing.  "Just got to be careful on having sex...", knowing that many people have  become  trapped as a woman or man because they toyed to much with XGEN, and had to many orgasms over a short period of time.  Three or four within 24 hour period would add another 48 hours to a person's change, but more than that and there was the danger of not wanting to change back...
Chad had managed to handle 4 within a 24 hour period... the most anyone had ever been able to stand and not change themselves back into a woman permanently.  It had, however, turned him somewhat bisexual... but he still preferred women over men. 
XGEN was banned after several people were changed by angry spouses into the opposite sex, and made into horny sexpots.  Usually these were abusive husbands, but some were not.  Chad had managed to get a large supply right before the ban, and used it in his undercover work, almost always avoiding sex, but sometimes he did it just for fun.
He'd come close to staying a woman a few times, but his will overpowered the need of the drug.
5 minutes later, trying to put on his shirt, Chad bends over in pain, he feels his body twitching and tingling...
Breasts swell out from his chest... hips widen, height is lost, hair grows out... other hair is lost...
Until finally the change is over, and Chad stands in his new undercover form...
2 Hours Later...
Walking out of his house (keeping women's clothing at the office was to much to explain to cleaning crew, and it's easier to change at home anyway), he heads to the gym, dressed as Cindy, Cindy Cummings...
"I've got to get a new identity for this body... that last name is too much..." Cindy giggles.
As Cindy works out, stretching and learning this body, she thinks of everything she needs to do before checking into the all girls school.
Stretching her form, Chad's always amazed at how each body feels... this one especially... it feels almost perfect...
Across the lake, a man watches through the gym window... he appreciates the young, pretty girl in his vision, even though he knows it's someone he hates.
He picks up his cell, and dials a number...
"Yeah, it's me.  It's done.  He's changed into her.  No, doesn't seem to know... yes... the plan is rolling along fine..."
As he puts away his cell in the knapsack, an identical bag of pills can be seen matching the pills in Chad's safe...

Walking out to her sportscar, Cindy Cummings smiles at the boy handing her keys over.  "Thank you, cutie!" she says.
"Hmmm slipping into my role quite quickly... I think after this I'm going to have to take a break from changing!" Cindy thinks to herself.
As she drives off towards the school, she doesn't see the Honda Civic fall in behind her.
As Cindy drove down the road, she found her mind wandering a bit.  Twirling her hair, humming along to a Taylor Swift song, she glances over a the guy next to her in traffic. 
"Quite the cutie..." she thinks to herself.  "I wonder what his cum taste like..." she thinks, her mind wandering, a big cock shooting sperm into her mouth...
A huge load of cum, running down her face...

The delicious taste of semen... salty and gooey, filling her mouth...
Cindy giggles to herself for a moment as the thoughts flitter away as she's distracted by traffic.
She doesn't notice her hand, gently caressing her pantied crotch.
He thought for a moment she had made him, but then saw her giggle and drive on...
Breathing a sigh of relief, he continues on behind her, dropping back some.
Arriving at the school, Cindy checks into the dorm and walks by the pool...
"Very nice facility, awesome campus... strange there seem to be a lot of men around the dorms.  Maintenance I guess..." Cindy thinks to herself.  She rubs her shoulder where the campus nurse gave her a shot earlier,  some type of flu shot, she was told.
She spends several hours looking for Julie but she doesn't see her, even goes by her dorm, but no one is there.  Julie's personal items are there, so she must still be here, noting that the coffee on her desk is still a little warm.
Cindy decided it was time to relax a bit before continuing her mission, when one of the men walked right into her door.
"Excuse me, this is a private room." Cindy tells him.
"I'm sorry Miss Cummings, I just wanted to introduce myself... my name is Paul, and I'm the floors security and safety guard... I also assist in keeping the girls happy on this floor.  Is there anything you need?"
"Well, nice to meet you but next time please knock on my door... I don't like surprises like that... it scares me..." Cindy says giving her little scared routine... "He's lucky I didn't break his nose!" Cindy thinks to herself... totally unaware that she's looking at his crotch... "Wow, does he have like a few socks in there?"
"Look, I've got to call someone, would you mind letting yourself out please?  Thanks..." and Cindy walks into her bedroom and closes the door. 
"Miss Watkins, Ford here.  Looks like this may take a few days... mmhmmm yes.  Those hangouts, ok, text the list to me, I'll check them out.  Thanks... I'll find her..."
Cindy hangs up the phone, and the door suddenly opens...
"Miss Cummings, you didn't give me a chance to finish explaining... this school is to train young women to become adults... and a select few are chosen for playmates..."
Cindy looks up at Paul confused... "Playmates?  What the hell is that?" Cindy says, squirming a bit.
"It's where bulls like myself train little filly's like you to obey men..." he says, grabbing her arm.
Cindy's eyes widen when she realizes what he's doing...
"Wait, please don't!" Cindy yells as Paul's hand slides up to her panties, and massages her ass and pussy.
Paul just smiles down at her... "Nice little thong, precious."
"Look at this... already wet... I thought I saw you staring at my cock through my jeans!"  Paul says, holding Cindy down as she whimpers in fear...
"Why... why can't I fight back..." Cindy thinks...
"You don't need these..." Paul says as he pulls down her panties.
"No please... I'm not... not wet... I don't want to do this..."
"Oh yes you are... your panties stuck to your pussy as I pulled them down.  and look here at how it's quivering..." Paul says, smiling.  "Oh not to worry, you do want to do this, it's not your fault though... that shot boosted your hormones as well as protects you from the flu... but only special girls like you get that full boost..."
Paul's strong hands hold Cindy down, as they play with her ass and pussy... she feels her pussy getting hotter, not understanding what's happening.  Cindy's mind feels kinda foggy...
"Ooooo please... don't... don't do... OOoooohhhh" Cindy cries out... the part of her, the strength that is Chad Ford seems to be out of touch... as if that part of her personality is asleep!
"Oh yes, I see your pussy is leaking for a man now.  Sadly, that won't be part of your session today, Cindy." Paul says, amused that her pussy juice is almost flowing out of her right now.  He rips off her panties and pulls her up...
"First lesson for you.  You may have had your boyfriends little cock in your mouth before, but you are a young woman now, and must learn to worship a real man's cock." Paul says, unzipping his pants, and taking off his clothes.
Cindy's eyes widen at the size of his cock, and her mouth involuntarily waters.
"What the hell is wrong with me... I don't understand..." Cindy thinks... it's like the male she once was isn't there inside her mind... "No... I can't... can't remember... my real name is... Cindy... NO!  Cindy Cummings... NO... C..Chad!  Chad Cumm... NO Chad Ford!"
Cindy, remembering her real name, has no time to celebrate as Paul grabs her hair, and shoves his cock into her mouth...
Cindy's eyes widen in shock as the huge cock parts her lips and goes deep into her mouth, down to her throat.  The salty taste of pre-cum hits her tongue, causing spikes of pleasure to hit her pussy!
Cindy looks up and see's Paul smiling down on her, as his hand holds her head firmly.
"Good girl, now no teeth... or I'll have to knock them out of that pretty head of yours..." Paul says, tightening his grip on her hair.
Cindy gulps as he pushes his cock deeper into her mouth... never before had she ever sucked a cock, even when she had sex in previous bodies...
"Girl, you will learn to concentrate on pleasuring a man's dick!" Paul yells, grabbing her head and face fucking her for a few moments.
Cindy whimpers, being brought back to the present as she starts using her tongue on the tip of his cock, tasting the pre-cum as it dribbles out of the tip.
"I've got to get the hell out of here... but I'm to scared... I can't be this way... I can't..." Cindy thinks.
"Oh yeah, much better Cindy.  MUCH better... I like the way your tongue is teasing the tip..." Paul says, loosening his grip on her head.
Cindy, for whatever reason, feels proud at his remark...
"Oh good, I was so worried he wouldn't enjoy... wait a second, stop thinking like that!"
"Alright, that's enough... you'll get to taste it again later..." Paul says, pulling his cock out of her mouth.
Cindy suddenly feels empty... she licks her lips tasting a bit of pre-cum on them.  She looks around for a chance to escape, but fear grips her, fear of what he will do to her...
"Why am I so scared... I don't understand it!" Cindy thinks, and then yelps as she is pushed onto her butt and pulled forward.
"I need some lubrication, and your sopping wet pussy is just what I need.  Don't worry though..." Paul laughs, "I won't be cumming in your pussy today..."
He puts the tip at the entrance to her pussy... she looks up at him with... fear and respect?
She spreads her legs more for him...  he smiles and slowly pumps into her.
"I see the drugs are taking full effect now."
"D..d..drugsssssOOOoooooo..." Cindy moans out, mouth opening, gasping for breath as Paul continues fucking her wet pussy, now making wet slurping sounds.
"Oh God help... what have... you done..."
Paul laughs, teasing the writhing girl.  "It's the drug, my dear.  It makes you very... compliant."
He quickly pumps faster, causing Cindy's pussy to spasm, bringing her closer and closer to cumming...

"Ah ah ah!  No cumming for you!  At least not yet..." Paul laughs, seeing the frustration on Cindy's face...
"Oh jeez please please..."
"No ma'am... Time for you to learn lesson two..." and he pulls his cock out of her, and lays behind her...
Gripping her tightly, he slides his cock right into her ass.
Cindy cries out in pain as it goes deep into her, she wiggles around trying to get away but she only helps him this way... she feels his balls touch her ass.  Cindy looks down, seeing her quivering pussy as juice pours out of it...
"Why... why am I so turned on... I don't wanna get fucked in the ass... by such a strong man..." Cindy thinks to herself, whimpering as the man starts slowly fucking her...
"Look down at yourself... you're losing control, aren't you?  See that pussy of yours gushing juice... your juice..."
"No... no... no! Don't... please I beg..." Cindy says, voice warbling as he pumps into her.
"All you girls are the same, you fight your destiny as a rich man's toy... but in the end, you'll embrace it!"
Cindy tries to push away, but Paul's hand on her pussy causes so much pleasure...
"The first orgasm brought on by anal fucking is the hardest to reach, but you will reach it today, Cindy... your last name will mean something to you now, more than ever..."
Cindy moans loudly as she feels something building.. bigger than anything ever experienced as either man or woman... and it's centered right in her pussy...
"No please... don't do this... I don't wanna..."
Paul quickly pulls out of her ass, and puts Cindy on all fours...
"What YOU want from now on is irrelevant!  What the MEN around you want is what you want, do you understand ME!!" Paul yells, slapping Cindy's ass several times before sliding his huge cock back into her ass.
Cindy cries out as each slap hits her ass, and then nods.. whimpering "Yes yes I'm sorry..." she squeals out, just as Paul's cock starts pumping into her ass again.
Gasping for breath, Cindy turns around just as Paul grabs her arm, causing her to fall forward.
"Oh GOD WHAT'S HAPPENNIIINNNGGGGG!!!" Cindy screams as she feels an orgasm building quickly.  "It's... it's happppeeeennnnniinnnnnggggg!!!!" Cindy screams, as her entire body convulses beneath Paul, her pussy drooling her juices down her thighs in thick streams.
Paul holds the cumming girl as she thrashes beneath him, smiling as he see's the drug do it's work.  He's amazed at how addicted the girls get to cumming... this one seems way ahead of the game, though.  This kind of orgasm usually only happens in week 2...
Cindy whimpers and mewls in pleasure, the sensations so great, feeling so good, she feels as if her entire body orgasmed... a feeling she wants again.  Her asshole spasms around Paul's cock, milking it before he again pulls out.  Ripping off her remaining clothing as she whimpers in bliss, Paul gets onto the bed and maneuvers Cindy over his cock.

Paul's strong arms shift the small girl over the head of his cock, and he guides his cock back into her ass...
He let's her fall down onto his dick, pushing it deep within her... Cindy, still feeling the bliss of orgasm, looks down between her legs and moans at the sight...
Paul's hand twirls around Cindy's pussy, creating slurping sounds as he sticks in 3 fingers, and diddles her clit.
"Ohhhh yessss feels so good!!!" she squeals.
"I'm glad you like it, now taste yourself like a good little playmate..." Paul says, his hand soaked with Cindy's juices.  He shoves his hand into her mouth, and Cindy's body shudders in pleasure as she moans at tasting herself, her ass almost sucking in Paul's cock.
"Now, baby, watch your pussy cum as I fuck you in the ass... watch it, slut!"
Cindy looks down between her legs again, seeing her quivering pussy clenching and spasming as his cock pumps steadily into her... she feels another massive orgasm building...
Paul's arms hold her head down, making her watch her pussy.
"No, no please no... not another... please Paul..." Cindy whines...
"You can call me Master Paul, or Master..." Paul sneers.  "As for pleading for mercy, the only mercy you will receive is from the pleasure you receive from cumming on my dick!"
Cindy's moans increase, forced to watch his cock use her ass... seeing her own pussy pulsing in rhythm to his pumping into her... a shrill cry comes from her mouth as another huge orgasm approaches... she tries to move her legs and arms, but is pinned by his strong arms and all she can do is watch...
Screaming in pleasure, Cindy has a mind-numbing orgasm that crashes over her, causing her to writhe on Paul's cock, her legs kicking, Paul barely able to hold her in place as she is wracked with pleasure...
Cindy's body collapses as Paul pushes her to the side, then pulls her body to the edge of the bed.  Cindy grabs onto the sheets as she is moved around by the much stronger man.
Cindy mumbles up at Paul, as he puts her body into position... "Ca..can't take... more... stop"
"Oh you STILL don't get it!" Paul says loudly.  He lines up his cock again with Cindy's ass, and slowly pushes it back in.  "This is your training, princess.  Sometimes every day, you'll be expected to do this."
Cindy moans loudly as she feels another orgasm rising from her pussy as Paul fucks her.
"I gotta say, for someone that's resisting as much as you are, you're also giving in quicker than anyone ever has..."
Cindy shakes her head no but can't say anything.  All she can do is moan and whimper, her legs held by Paul, held open wide...
His hands roughly feel up her small, perky breasts, sending jolts of pleasure through her body, a body about to cum for the 3rd time...
Paul grabs her hair again... "Look at yourself, toy, you're becoming nothing more than a hole to slip cocks into... you like that thought though, don't you?" Paul laughs as Cindy's ass tries to rise up to get more cock into it...
"Got... to remember... who... I am... mission... save..." Cindy thinks... but then her thought's are washed away with an impending orgasm... bigger than the last 2...
"Oh God... name is... C..Cin.. Chad... Chad... Cummmmmm... cooockkkssss cum on cock... gonna cum on his cock!!!"
"That's it princess, cum on that cock... give into your orgasm... CUM on my cock... Do it princess... DO IT!"
Cindy feels wave after wave of pleasure as his cock pumps into her ass, her pussy on fire... so close... so close...
Paul watches her closely, seeing she's about to cum, he grabs her legs and spreads her wide, then pumps into her faster, and faster...
Cindy screams loudly as an orgasm again washes over her body, she grips the sheets trying to hold on, her body thrusting back onto the cock filling her ass, her hips gyrating in circles as the cock continues in what feels like it's going deeper into her.
Paul smiles, feeling his own orgasm approaching.  He quickly pulls Cindy down to the floor, and stuffs his cock into her mouth.
Cindy dreamily licks on the cock as if on automatic pilot, her pussy pulsing in pleasure still... her asshole also pulsing...
Paul looks down on her, their newest trainee.  He never cares about their backgrounds, but he does know that there isn't a lot on her.
Paul moans and grunts, and floods her mouth with cum.  Her mouth engulfs his cock, as it throbs and pulses, filling her mouth with semen.
Paul strokes her hair, his cum on her face and lips... she's a pretty one for sure... maybe he'll keep her as his private playmate...
Inside of Cindy's mind, Chad Ford struggles with the changes in his body and mind... the Cindy persona had almost taken over.  He couldn't do anything to stop what was happening!  It was like he was asleep in his own mind.  And now he's had 3 orgasms within a 24 hour period.  Within an hour!  Even now, as he struggles inside of Cindy, he tastes the semen filling her mouth... and likes it a bit too much.
"It's the drug, it's gotta be throwing of the XGEN meds..." Chad thinks.. then gurgles on the sperm in his mouth... savoring the taste.
Paul dresses and walks out of the door, leaving a confused and well fucked Cindy\Chad still sitting on the floor.  Their personalities trying to comprehend what has happened...
Cindy looks around the bed... her phone is gone...
To Be Continued...


  1. Loved it Kayla!!! Makes me wish it were me being used and cono used like that. What's IN Store Next For Our Young girl?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
