Friday, May 5, 2017

Status Update for you all!

Some of you may have noticed a slow down in stories... not to worry, girls!  I've just been busy with life and haven't had as much time recently.  I'm still working on a few that are long and need to be shortened down... I tend to download all kinds of pics and get overwhelmed, I think.  Gonna also try a few short stories...
Question for you all... lots of pics, or half of what I normally do...
I need answers my sweets, or all of you will get a spanking!  Wait, you'll most likely love that... titty twisters.  You all get titty twisters.
So be a good girl and take it like our girl in the pic above... slow and easy... and comment on my question!


  1. It kind of depends... often a few well chosen pictures are just as hot, if not more so, as a lot of them.

  2. Your long and carefully crafted stories are my favorite part of what you do. That being said, I've enjoyed a number of you short to medium length stories as well.

    As for pictures, sometimes the right ones really sell the sequence of a story, like the recent one with Miki, and I'm also thinking of another one like it going further back...Tim's enslavement/entrapment or something? That being said, I don't think you should force yourself to use lots of pics if you're struggling to get them to fit your story.

    TLDR version: You're a sexy writer, and stories > pictures when push comes to shove.

  3. long multipart sories are my faves. But not reallyreally long posts.

    Maybe limit pics to say 8/post. the 8 best and hottest. breka up stories if u need to. Giving urself a limit might evn make u more creative!

  4. any kind of post is good by me. Long or short, just keep it cumming.

  5. I'm so proud of all of you for commenting! I'd like to see some more, keep them coming!

    As for all of you that have already commented, thank you so much! I'll definitely keep your thoughts in mind!

    Love and kisses!

  6. As long as the story is good the number of pics doesn't make a big difference to me. I still like to go back to some of your early 1 pic works from time to time.

  7. I prefer your shorter ones that focus on the transformation and immediate effects. You're really good at those and personally I lose interest in anything longer or multipart.

  8. I love a good balance between the visual smut and the literary smut. You have always had a great eye for hot and sexy pics and animations but you're also a talented enough writer to spin an orgasm-inducing tale off of just a single pic. And THAT is what made me fall in love with this site in the first place.
