Friday, May 12, 2017

The Project

Janet looked at her watch and smiled.  3 minutes to go.  Time to check on her little project.
Janet was the head of a biofirm that did hard core experimentation on a cellular level.  In the next room was a result of some of that experimentation.
Opening the door, Janet walks in with her iPad, taking notes and photo's of the progress of her latest experiment, XChange.  Nicknamed X, it was going to be the replacement for sex change reassignment surgery, since it change a person's DNA to that of female.  A wonderful option for those people that wanted... NEEDED to be in their true form.  The only problem had been that computer models had shown that men that would be changed, became nymphomaniacs.
As Janet opened the door, the smell of a wet pussy hit her nose, and the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh.
Janet's ex-husband, Ryan, squealed and moaned as the man Janet hired fucked her ass.  Helpless to resist her bodies needs, Ryan, now Renee, could only watch as the man's huge cock plunged deeply into her ass, her legs waving in the air, her arms trapped behind her.
Janet watched as Renee's pussy visibly quivered and spasmed, forcing out a large stream of her juices to run down her slit, down to the man's cock, adding more lubrication.
"I see my little toy is enjoying herself, aren't you Renee?"
Renee looked over to his... her ex-wife and whimpered... nodding no, but moaning loudly as another orgasm built up.  Unable to escape the man's strong grip, Renee struggled only for a moment before Janet watched another spasm in her pussy, and more juice flow from Renee's pussy.
"Oh look at you, cumming right in front of me like a common whore... you must like being like this!  Well, good news for you!  You have 90 seconds to go, if you don't cum during that time, you'll change back to smelly old Ryan.  However, if you DO cum, it's another week in that body!  Personally, I don't think you'll make it.  Obviously you like being a horny little slut too much to become a man again... not that you ever were much of one, were you?"
Janet reaches out and teases the girls clit, pushing the mewling girl quickly over to another orgasm.  Janet watched as Renee pleaded with her eyes...
"This is what you get when you cheat on me, Ryan!" she says angrily, then pushes the girl over the edge.
Renee cries out as her pussy spasms again and again, her juices leaking out of her pussy in heavy streams... Just as the man's cock throb's and swells, then floods her ass with hot cum.  Setting off the mewling slut again, Renee cums and cums, and with shame and fear she realizes she's stuck as a horny slut for another week.
"Ohhhh so close, Renee!  Maybe next week you'll be able to stop loving having cocks fill you..."
Janet laughs...
Renee will never change back... she's stuck like this for the rest of her life.  Janet just likes teasing her... Maybe X in this form has it's place... for the highest bidders.
Janet closes the door, just as another man enters the room...

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