Friday, June 2, 2017

Business is Business

Ben had always wanted to see what it was like to live on the other side, as a girl.  He found a spellbook that finally would allow him to see what it was like!  He had 8 hours as a woman, as long as he didn't have sex.  Each orgasm he had would add an hour, and if someone came in his ass, pussy, or mouth, it was a week, but he figured he didn't plan on fucking anyone anyway, so what the hell.
He'll go clubbing.
To be on the safe side, he called his friend Marcus to go with him.  He figured Marcus would help make sure that he didn't make any mistakes.
But Marcus had made other plans.
Marcus was amazed at how Ben looked, and started thinking about what he could do...  After all, Marcus needed the money... Ben didn't have any family... no one would notice he was missing for months... if not longer than that.
So Marcus did what any entrepreneur would do... he called his brothers in to help.
Ben didn't think about what was going on as they walked into the KitKat Club, a local hole in the wall strip club and bar.  He figured that he'd be safe with 4 men instead of just Marcus, so he... SHE  sashayed into the club.
What SHE didn't know was the pack of wolves behind her were already drooling over what they were planning to do to her...
45 minutes later, Ben, having been fed several shots laced with Extacy, an offshoot of the original, that opened Ben's mind...
As they all danced, Ben's body was heating up... she was sweating and gyrating against her friend Marcus when she felt his hand on her ass, slapping it several times...
Her eyes opened wide at the erotic feeling coursing through her.  Lifting up her skirt, she pushed up against Marcus, her bare ass cheeks jiggling.
Using this opportunity, Marcus grabs her G-string and rips it off of her body... Ben barely notices it...
Ben doesn't notice Marcus talking to other men in the room now and then, and collecting money from them... all Ben cares about is how she feels!
Marcus comes back to the dance floor, gets behind Ben, and spanks her ass several more times...
Sparks flash through Ben's new pussy... she almost falls to the floor as several mini-orgasms wash over her...
She signals to them she needs to rest for a bit, so she makes her way over to a lounge area...  
On the way, several of her "guards" pick her up and carry her, spread eagle, and set her down.

"Wait... what... what are you... oh God... what are you doing... No stop!  Please!  You don't understand... Marcus help me!" Ben cries out as men gather around her, and start fingering and touching her, turning her on.
Marcus smiles, turns around, and yells "Alright boys!  Bambi's ready for you!  Come on and get her!"
A loud cheer fills the room, and Ben looks over at Marcus in horror.
"Sorry dude, but you're to good of an opportunity to pass up to make some cash... I gotta pay back my bookie, but don't have the income.  Thanks to you, I'll be able to do it... well, after a while that is." Marcus smiles evilly...
Moaning in shock and lust, someone removes the newly christened Bambi's dress... and pushes her onto all fours on the couch.
"No please I'm begging..." Bambi cries as the first man shoves his cock deep into her pussy... she reaches back trying to stop him but he just grabs her hand and holds onto her...
"Ohhhh no PPLEEAAASSSEEEEEE!!!" she cries out, the man's cock pumping deep into her.   He mashes her breast to her chest... and her arousal ramps up quickly, setting off several orgasms...
Bambi could feel her time stretching out... the feeling in her body changing...
Leaning forward, all Bambi can do is pray as his cock sets off another orgasm... instinctually she strokes a cock in front of her, her eyes locked onto it.  The man fucking her slaps her ass hard, and she feels his cock swell inside her... without warning, he grunts loudly, flooding her pussy with cum...
She's stuck for a week... she feels her personality change even more...
The man high-fives the next guy in line...
He wastes no time in picking her up and taking her pussy, filling her up again.  At this point the man she was stroking off has shoved his cock into her mouth, and is face fucking her.
Bambi squeals and moans as she seems to ride one huge orgasm, her body wracked with pleasure, her large tits bouncing on her chest.
The man in front of her floods her mouth with cum... she can't help but swallow...
Another week added... she knows how to dress, put on makeup, take care of her period...
The man behind her groans loudly, pumps a few more times, his cock throbbing inside her, setting off more orgasms just as his cock spews it's seed deep into her womb.
Another week... she knows how to please men in every way possible...
Unable to stop herself, she sucks down on the nearest cock... it quickly fills her mouth with semen...
And another week... she loses interest in women... only men and their cocks hold her interest now...
Her mouth fills with spunk time and again...
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" she screams in orgasm... again and again... adding hour after hour...
Her ass fills with cum over and over...
Her pussy fills with cum time after time, over and over again...
3 Hours Later...
Bambi has taken on the entire male crowd at the club... her body on automatic... the person named Ben nothing but a babbling voice inside the head of the clubs newest star.  Marcus, her new manager, has taken care of the details.  She's to perform nightly, can do any sex acts that she wants as long as it's in the back room, and once a week, they close the doors to the KitKat Club for a private gang bang party.
Bambi screams in pleasure as another cock fills her pussy with cum... she giggles, seeing the first guy back again.  Lucky for her, all 105 guys are ready to go again!

Marcus sits at the bar watching Bambi, his own dick swollen in his pants.  It's about time for him to take a turn.  To bad about Ben, though, he kinda liked the guy, but hey, business is business...
Meanwhile, at Ben's apartment... a book vanishes off of the table...