Thursday, August 24, 2017

Followers: Only 46? WTF?

All you beautiful people out there that view my blog... that make themselves cum reading my little stories...
Please... make me feel loved... FOLLOW ME!
It's a small thing to ask... there's almost 2000 views PER DAY here, so I know you're out there.  Yes, I know, some of you CUM here multiple times... giggles... but I should have at LEAST 800 followers, right?
To you all... make me feel appreciated here.  It takes a lot out of my brain sometimes to write these things, and all I ask... is for you to follow me.
A side note... You've probably noticed that I've slowed down on my little stories, just trying to recharge the mind, so don't worry.  They'll pick up again... ESPECIALLY if you all follow me... consider it an incentive for me!
Oh, another thing.  If anyone has a certain actress in adult entertainment that they want to see a story set around let me know.  I'll try to do so in future stories.
That's all my lovelies...
And in case you thought I forgot...



  1. I'm sorry you're not getting all the love you deserve hunny. I know it's not easy creating stories as often as you do. But you ARE great at it. I hope more of you folks who check her page often decide to follow. It's quick and easy to create an anonymous account for blogspot. Give it a shot and show her your support!

  2. whoever u used 4 Addicted was HAWT.

    Take ur time, quality over quantity

  3. I agree gf you should have more followers. but I do love your work :)

  4. Brooklyn Chase or more Lillith List (Tim's story) would be great

  5. more asian actresses!

  6. Been following you forever, LOVE your Caps
