Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Brandon's BJ

"That's it Brandon... take it all down... slurp on that cock... make it cum.... good girl..." Jessica says, watching as the newly transformed Brandon sucks on the cock in her mouth, swallowing most of the semen erupting from it.
Brandon's chin, covered in cum, has fresh jizz drooling down onto the floor as the cock overflows her mouth.
Jessica watches carefully, as Brandon's new tits swell larger, nipples lengthen, with the fresh semen she's swallowing.  Looking between the new girls legs, she see's the last of her cock shrink down and become her new clit, as her own juices drool onto the carpet below.
She pats the new girls head as she takes the next cock into her mouth and sucks hungrily, her hair lengthening, her ass growing larger as her hips widen even more...
Catching Brandon in the act of getting blowjobs during his supposed working late nights had hurt Jessica deeply.  Now Brandon could have as many BJ's as he wanted...
As Brandon... no, Brandi moaned and slurped on the cock in her mouth, Jessica hands her an exact replica of her original cock... Brandi quickly slips it into her new pussy, breaking her hymen, making all of her changes permanent.
Brandon's punishment and Brandi's life as a slut slave has just begun!


  1. Interesting twist having essentially his own cock seal him in his new feminine body...I liked it!

  2. It taste so good...slurpp...my mouth is so wet, i can wait to take this Cook too and become like her.

  3. Мне бы так чтобмы мой отросток стал фалоимитатором и запер меня как девочку.
