Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!
I know I've been slack, but it's been a rough last few  months.  I lost my mother back in October, and it's been hard to deal with, especially since it was so close to the holidays, and her birthday coming during Christmas was just a hard time.  Helping Daddy out as much as we can during this time as well.
I hope to get back into the swing of things soon... God bless all of you, and I hope you've all had a wonderful holiday season!


  1. Sorry to hear that things have been difficult hun. You need to take care of yourself first and foremost, so no one can fault you for taking some time to sort things out.

    Best wishes to you in the new year and thanks for a great 2017. Can’t wait for what 2018 has in store!

  2. Sorry for your loss hon. I went through that earlier this year. Hope your dad is doing OK. My thoughts and prayers are with you love. Can't wait for you to get back.

  3. So sorry for you mum, i hope you pass a happy New year, take time for your dad and your family. See you soon,Kiss for France.

  4. Very sorry to hear of your loss Kayla. Take care.


  5. Take care and "see" you soon.

    /Viking Tophat

  6. Miss you Kayla! Hope you’re taking care of yourself.

  7. Hope everything is going well for you Kayla. Miss you tons!!!

  8. Miss you bunches girl! Hope you’re doing okay.
