Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Patreon Begins!

Well, in thinking it over and with some support from some fans, I've created a Patreon to hopefully allow me to spend more time being creative, and allow me to join up with some sites that have picture galleries!

Here is the link:

Take a look, and think about it... so many of you read my little stories daily, and get what I believe is tons of pleasure from them.  I urge you all to help me out, help me be better!!


  1. I go it. I can't wait you suck my cock and drink all my cum in my balls to transform it in a wet pink pussy than you're licking and rubing all the time to transform me more as the whore slut i fantasied.

    1. Sorry for my english it's very bad. Great your new photo of blog ,if I can have big breasts like that to suck my Milk in my nipples....
