Thursday, April 25, 2019

Story Update!

New story Can't Stop starting at!

This is the first chapter, with more to "cum" for Charles!

This story is featuring one of my patrons, Charles.  Yes honey, it's you... I hope you enjoy your little "trip"!

This story will be only available to those that have joined up on Patreon, but WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC NEXT WEEK!  I've decided that most parts of my stories will be made public, but others will only be available to patrons.

So keep an eye out my loves, trying to do at minimum 1 story\chapter a week, if not more.

Oh and so far, 11 patrons!  I so thank all of you for helping me out!  You special people will get everything ahead of time and also special treats from time to time!

1 comment:

  1. Poor little Charles...I wait the next ... let's go...
    11, We are more now with you .
