Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hi all!  Getting used to Sponsus, getting a little better at posting... got some new stories out there!  Come check them out!

Friday, August 9, 2019

Put a check mark!!!

Hello all my loves!!!

Some questions have come up about Sponsus… 

When you Subscribe to one of my tiers, be SURE to put a check mark underneath the Click here to Support button to access content NOW, otherwise it won't allow access until the following month... 

Click that and you'll get immediate access!!!

I love you all, and please, come support me!  I'm working on new stuff as quick as I can, will have an update next week!

Friday, August 2, 2019

Ok, so Patreon is an ASSHOLE! TIME TO MOVE!

I've been "chatting" with the powers that be over at Patreon, and I've come up with what I think will work... I'm moving all of the stories over to a new service, Sponsus.


So they pretty much want me to remove ALL of my pictures\images from the stories, which to me, is a big part of my stories... so it's gonna be a no... hence, I'm moving.

Sponsus is very similar to Patreon, as having subscription based services available, but it also looks like if there is a story that interests you, you can purchase access to that story only!  I'm not 100% on that but it looks like it's true... 

I will notify you guys of when it's ready.  It's the same tier structure as over on Patreon.  Cancel that one, and come on over to Sponsus... 

I look forward to seeing you over there, my girls and boys!!!