Friday, August 2, 2019

Ok, so Patreon is an ASSHOLE! TIME TO MOVE!

I've been "chatting" with the powers that be over at Patreon, and I've come up with what I think will work... I'm moving all of the stories over to a new service, Sponsus.

So they pretty much want me to remove ALL of my pictures\images from the stories, which to me, is a big part of my stories... so it's gonna be a no... hence, I'm moving.

Sponsus is very similar to Patreon, as having subscription based services available, but it also looks like if there is a story that interests you, you can purchase access to that story only!  I'm not 100% on that but it looks like it's true... 

I will notify you guys of when it's ready.  It's the same tier structure as over on Patreon.  Cancel that one, and come on over to Sponsus... 

I look forward to seeing you over there, my girls and boys!!!


  1. so joined and pledged. Only problem they do not allow viewing the post until paid and that won't be until the first of the month. The pay up front feature does not work.

  2. I will look into that... that's weird!

  3. Found this, may help you out:

    As a Sponsus Subscriber
    You can subscribe to any Content Creator of your choosing as soon as your account is created. You will be charged at the beginning of the upcoming month, and will not see content until then. This is only circumvented if you consent to being charged at the time of subscription in order to view the User Content immediately. You may unsubscribe from any content creator at any time.

  4. If it's not allowing you to do it immediately, please contact them, let me know what they say... I wil also investigate from my end. Why I liked Patreon so much, was able to set so many things up quickly and easily... this service is good but not as user friendly (for me), especially with pictures!
