As his new breasts swung freely, and his shrinking cock also swung between his legs, a constant stream of cum cream leaking from the tip, Jake wondered what had happened.
Jake gasped for breath, each thrust into his now shapely ass causing him... her to moan, her voice rising in pitch.
Tingling in his body increased even more, and Jaqueline felt her breasts swell more, her nipples becoming an inch and a half long, plump like grapes, now grinding on the sheets.
The pleasure almost to much to stand, Jaqueline felt what was left of her cock twitch and swell one last time, streaming a strong stream of cum from it, splashing onto the underside of her growing tits, and shrinking to a small nub, almost an inch long. Underneath her shrunken clit cock, she felt an opening form where her balls used to be, and she moaned as it pulsed as the mans heavy balls slapped the newly formed cunt.
Looking at her former husband through the surveillance system in the bedroom, Eva watched as he, now a she, pushed back onto the thrusting cock...
Why did she do it? Eva watched as she fingered herself... smiling, watching the final changes, as Jaqueline was born, and Jake vanished... Why indeed.. because she enjoyed it!
Jaqueline screams in orgasm as her lover cums inside her ass....