Thursday, September 27, 2012

Screaming in lust as her breasts expand even more, Lex, now Lexi, feels herself shrink in size, her final height now 5'... As her Master fucks her freshly minted lil' pussy, it spasms and milks his cock.  Her nipples now bigger than baby bottles, gasping for air as her pussy cums... the jiggle in her ass increasing as her body finalizes it's new shape. 
"MASTER PLEASE!!  I don't wanna be a girl!!  SSTOOOPPPP!!  UUGGHHHHHH!!  FUCKKK MEEEE!!!" Lexi screams as thoughts of servicing her Master and whoever's cock is near enter her mind....


  1. Hi Kayla! Just discovered your blog. I cannot describe in words how wonderful this is. This particular caption is very hot. All your pictures are very good.

    After Trisha TG and Freya TG your blog is the one dedicated to pure hardcore sex and with great captions too. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS!

    By the way could you please tell from which website this picture is? Because the woman is very hot.

  2. OH-MhY-GAWD! I would SO trade my single sack-&-stiffie for a pair like these!!! Especially if it came with the proper equipment for putting ejaculate to good use!

    Elle / w8z2x4m

    1. Sweety I bet you'd be perfect as this girl! Love your blog BTW!

    2. Well, thank you, Kayla, I'm glad you like it!

      And having a body like Lexi would be nearly perfect! While I do prefer women, -and a willingness to undergo such fabulous transformations- it would be no surprise to find that such a vessel would crave the fullness of a functional tool in addition to the mere effigies two ladies might use on each-other!!

      I certainly like what you've got going here, Kayla!
