Monday, October 8, 2012

Sandi Suxalot, formerly Sam Johnson, felt her shrinking clit squirt more cream into her panties as she sucked off the 5th guy of the night.  Each squirt meant the process of feminization was continueing down a path that Sandi couldn't stop.  Shivering in pleasure, she felt her nipples enlarge along with her tits, and her ass and hips expand with more womanly fat... Holding onto her customers cock she felt it also start to throb in her mouth.  Wrapping her enlarging lips around the thick shaft, she uses her tongue to tease out the cream she is now craving, and will crave for the rest of her life. 

Joan watched from the other room on the monitor as her former husband continued to transform.  The process was irreversable at this point, now each load of male semen Sandi injested just made her more and more feminine.  Soon she would have a pussy that could be used to "inject" more semen into her body to be absorbed.   What had the Dr said about how feminine she would get?  5' tall, nothing but tits and ass and a libido to match...  A hungry for cock slut that she would set up in the local whorehouse... make up some of that money that her loser husband had lost and spent on his girlfriend...

Watching carefully Sandi's eyes widened and a large moan escaped her lips as Joan watched... this must be it... the pussy forming...

Sandi's body shook and squirmed, eyes wide as her ass and tits both ballooned out more, and her moaning took on a higher pitched squeal as her clitty cock shrunk down and her new pussy flowered open, dripping a steady stream of her juices as it spasmed in her first fully female orgasm... Her now huge nipples enlarging more, droplets of milk forming.... the soon to be whore and wet nurse screaming in orgasm....

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