Finding the old lamp in the pile of junk at his uncles house who had disappeared, was strange. After all, David's uncle didn't care for antiques and this definitely had some age on it, could be worth $1,000's he thought. Thinking it was kinda cool, he stuck a candle in the end and put it in his bathroom.
One day David accidently knocked the lamp off of the counter. Picking it up, he saw that part of the handle had broken off, and much of the tarnish ended up being a clay, and had fallen off.
Looking carefully at the handle, he could see that it wasn't part of the original piece... he started rubbing the lamp....
The lamp started vibrating, and sparks and light flashed around him. Out came a form from the lamp... a genie!
"Hello, Master! I am Jarez, and I am allowed to grant you 3 wishes in 3 hours! What may I do for you!"
Jarez makes some gestures, looking impressive as a genie...
David stands there dumbfounded... "So I have 3 hours to do 3 wishes..."
"That is correct... and once wished, you cannot reverse them." Jarez says with a smile.
"Ok, a little rushed there... let me see..."
David rushes over to his computer, bringing up an image of a young, healthy, perfect looking guy.

"Here, here's who I want to look like... to be like."
David stands up, and unknowingly hits his mouse, which hits the back button. The page loads, unseen by David, showing his previous search.
Jarez looks at the photos and smiles. "It can be done, Master, but are you sure about this?"
"Yes I'm sure. And I want to remain a heterosexual, so no tricks on being attracted to the same sex or anything... I want to live as an immortal as well, and be absolutely in perfect physical health! I want to like what they like, everything they like! I will always have money as well, and make tons of money without doing hardly any work. I want to have love, money, fuck buddies, I want it all."
"Hmmm I guess I can roll those into one big wish, but that will use up all of the power of most of your wishes... you may be able to wish for something small afterwards."
"Do it Jarez. It's my wish!"
"Very well then. In a booming voice, Jarez says "BIM BIM SALABIM MAKE WISHY TRUEY!" and with a flash of light, David is enveloped in blue light...
He feels the weight disappear from his body... everything seems so strange... he seems light, like he only weight 150 lbs or even less!
He feels himself solidifying...
His form taking shape to it's new form...
"Beautiful, Master! I'll be back later to finish things up... You've got about half a wish left... so be thinking! I'll be back in 2 hours!"
And with a flash, Jarez turns to smoke and goes back into his lamp.
Looking around the room, he see's a mirror and walks to it...feeling strange... bouncy even. The whole house feels bigger.
"Oh my God... what did he do!?" David yells... then runs back to the computer, and looks at the screen... and plops down in the chair, a shocked look on his face...
It's the wrong pictures... it's the search he did right before finding the genie... when he.. she was looking to jerk off... to one of his\her favorite stars... and they are explicit as hell...
David's eyes glaze over...
She looks over and lunges at his juicy cock, not missing it at all, and sucks on it, wetting it, tasting it... the pre-cum leaking onto her tongue...
You can taste it... the musk... the warmth of his hard cock inside your mouth...
The man behind you manages to get your panties off... then diddles your ass... OH GOD YES!!!
You whimper... so many cocks to choose from! The first man cums in your mouth... you clean his cock for him, caressing and loving on it...
You will taste all of them... Every cock in this room you will swallow from.
You will make each and every cock cum inside your mouth.
Your hard nipples feel like they get even harder as each man slides his cock past your willing lips... and fucks your face...
They guide you... wanting to see you gag on their cocks, so they hold you still as their cocks hit the back of your throat...
Luckily you know how to deep throat a cock. The man grunts loudly as his cock floods your mouth with his cum... you gulp it down noisily...
You turn your head, smacking your lips, feeling the slimy jizm on your lips and face, and open your mouth wide just as the man in front of you lets loose a huge load of cum right into your mouth... stream after stream of hot cum fills your throat.
You lick the tip of his cock clean for him...
And the next man in line strokes his cock over your face and mouth, letting loose his load...
And the next man does the same... you let the cum pool in your mouth... savoring the taste of it, the saltiness, the texture...
With each spurt of semen, your mouth fills more and more...
Cock after cock is jerked off into your waiting mouth...
You gurgle as the cum fills your mouth... the last man grabbing your hair and telling you...
"Swallow it all down, cumslut..."
You gulp down the cum filling your mouth, some of it drooling out the side... the slimy semen covering the inside of your mouth, the man tells you to open wide so he can be sure you've swallowed it all...
The man pats your head like a pet, and walks off leaving you kneeling on the floor... you burp... it tastes like cum. You look down at your belly, full of cum, and whimper as your pussy starts to tingle madly... and still you need more...
David wakes up as if having left her body... the taste of semen still in his mouth. She looks at the clock, it's only been 10 minutes!! When the hell is that genie coming back? I can't wait 2 hours!!
Standing up, she walks to the bathroom... and on the way it seems to be a very nice place...
I apparently have a lot of money, she thinks... looking around the Master bedroom she see's male clothing... that's odd... If I'm supposed to be female, where are the womens clothing...
As if on autopilot, David turns and walks across the hall to a small bedroom... from everything in it appears to be a maids room... the name Maid Marci on the door...
"There's my computer... the lamp..."
She rubs the lamp, nothing happens. She walks over and looks at the computer screen... the screen saver showing a hunky, naked guy with a large cock... she does a quick history search, and it's all about shopping, guys with big dicks, how to give the perfect blowjob... how to improve the taste of your mans cum.
She doesn't notice she's massaging her large tits...
"I better get some clothes on, what do I wear I wonder..."
In a flash, David is standing there in a maids uniform!
"No no no this isn't right at all!"
"JAREZ!!! Where are you!!!"
"What.... what was that? Wait, why am I fondling my boobies..."
"Be calm... relax... how do I relax..."
"I may as well clean the house!"
"After all, Master Bryan is coming over with some friends, and I need to be ready!"
"No... no I don't! What the hell is happening.. I didn't wish for any of this..."
"I'm supposed to be the Master here, I'm not supposed to be Marci! JAREZ!!! PLEASE!!!"
"Fuck! I'm going to have to wait on him. You'd think a genie that's been in a lamp would want to stay out longer than 12 minutes..."
"After all, how can he leave a sexy girl like me all alone? A man locked up for decades certainly would want a woman who looks like me, with big titties..." giggle.
"And a butt to die for... so round!" Marci giggles, spanking herself. "Oh I best be careful, I'm getting wet already..." Marci giggles.
She starts cleaning as if it's all she's done for years.
"I can't wait for the Master to get home... I need some of his juicy, thick cum..."
David looks around... confused.. his top is down and his tits (boobies) are hanging out...
"What the hell... am I losing it? I don't want this to happen!"
"I'm not doing another thing until Jarez comes out. Fuck this maid crap. He's got to fix me... I've got something of a wish coming my way..."
"But... then if Master isn't happy with my cleaning he may fire me..."
"No damn it you're not a maid... You're... ummmm... Damn Jarez and his magical stuff..."
"I know what to do... I'll wait on Master to get here, he'll know what to do!"
"I hear a door..." giggles Marci... she covers her boobies up (gotta be presentable for Master and his friends at first!) and kneels on the floor.
"I'm glad to see you waiting properly, Marci. Are you prepared to entertain me and my guests?" Bryan says, and instructs his friends to strip naked, just as he is doing.
"Yes sir, Master Bryan!"
'Wait... entertain? What do I do besides being a maid?'
Marci licks her lips as she starts to stroke her Master's and his friends cock...
'Oh God no... not this... please not this...'
She's always loved sucking cock. Master hired her for that very reason, her insatiable desire to suck men's cocks. He paid her well as a maid, but they both knew the real reason she was there.
Bryan knew full well that Marci loved only one thing in her life, and that was sucking cock, and swallowing the sperm from those cocks. As she moaned around his shaft, he was always amazed at how good she was, how quick she could get off anyone... make them cum so quickly that it almost hurt to cum so fast. ALMOST...
As always, Marci's talented mouth brings off Bryan quickly, and his cock squirts a thick load of cum into Marci's waiting mouth...
'I've got to stop, pull away before he cums... oh no... tastes so... good?'
He see's her eyes look panicked for a moment... then she gulps down the cum quickly after savoring the taste.
"MMmmmm thank you Master Bryan, Marci loves Masters jizz!" she giggles up at him, licking her lips after she cleans his cock. "Marci always ready to drain Masters cock..." she says, and behind those eyes, the fear remains.
"Uhhhh yeah baby, now it's time to take care of my friends... make them all cum in your mouth, Marci... all of them... I want you to swallow all of their cum..." Bryan said... he knew she'd do it anyways, but ordering her to do it always... ALWAYS got her hotter.
'Got... to... stop... wanting... all... of... their... dicks... cum... taste... good... love... love their cocks!'
The men crowded around her, and her mind snapped... all the cock she could ever want!!
Sighing in pleasure, she wraps her lips around one shaft after another...
Sucking them down into her mouth, sometimes teasing them... her talented tongue dancing across the heads of their cocks...
Her Master watches as she loves sucking cock more than anything.
Marci's head lifts up, and she screams in pleasure as she cums... each mans cock dribbling cum into her mouth as she does so...
Bryan watches, and misses the surprised look on her face as his brother Ned shoves his cock into her mouth to clean... a look of terror crosses over her face, then reverence...
Gulping on their huge cocks, she can feel... with each load she swallows... more of her... no... himself combining with Marci... they're becoming one...
As the cock she's sucking on floods her mouth with semen, her pussy spasms, and she feels more memories lost... WHERE IS JAREZ!!
"Hey Maid Marci, come over here. I need for you to come over here, I want to shoot my load onto your face..." Bryan says to her, smiling down at her.
She looks up, cum drooling from her lip... breath erratic... and crawls to the sheet on the floor, kneeling.
Bryan jerks his cock off, and cums... the huge load covering her face. Next, each guy jerks his cock and sprays her down in cum.
One load large, the other smaller...
Moaning in pleasure, Marci rubs the cum into her skin, her pussy on fire...
In her mind a voice crying for help...
To Be Continued...
Ohhh lucky accident for him. Wish it were me in that situation. I'd love all of it!!!
ReplyDeleteNummy baby
ReplyDelete<3 ur multipart posts
ReplyDeleteLove you guys!! I hope you all enjoy them!
ReplyDeleteYou really do weave the most erotic stories around
ReplyDeleteI love your stories. I can't wait to see where this one goes!