"Good morning, George, Blake Harrison. I'm in need of your services, please call me at 894-676-5656 as soon as possible. I need your help again." the voice on the voice mail said.
George Takahami had been in the private security industry for decades, and hearing from Blake was a shot from the past. Especially since the last time he worked for Blake involved Senators, Congressmen, and some heavy businessmen... and every conspiracy they all had 10 years ago. He had to find out who knew about them and shut them up and pay them off, or let "them" know who wasn't playing ball. He didn't want to think about what happened to those people. They had agreed on a monthly fee for him to keep quiet himself, since at this point he knew pretty much all of the skeletons in the closet. This had allowed George to retire at the age of 45.
This could be another big payday for him, he'd been eying a new yacht...
"George, this is serious. I'm almost positive that Hendrix is hitting on my daughter... and I need to know if I should fire him... I'll pay you $50,000 to take XGen, become a copy of my daughter, and see what he does."
George was surprised at the request, he didn't even know he had children, but $50 grand was nothing to sneeze at....
"Blake, taking XGen is dangerous, I'm going to need more than that..."
"Fine. $100 thousand. Deal?" Blake offers his hand to George.
"Was that a bit too easy?" George thinks to himself.
The plan was simple. Blake's daughter Debbie was going to be going on a cruise with her mother for a month, and all George had to do was come in, get the evidence, and be done with it. Shouldn't take more than a week.
"Ok George, this XGen can be reversed by taking this blue pill. I'll give it to you when we've got Hendrix. I'll put it in the safe. Now, this pink pill, this is the custom DNA pill that I paid for, it'll transform you into a copy of Debbie." Blake said as I stared at the pill warily.
"Don't worry, you'll wake up as my girls twin. Just be careful that you don't have sex..." Blake said.
"Not in the cards, Blake. I'm here to get the job done and be done... but out of curiosity and to know, why?"
"You'll be stuck for a while... I'm not sure of the time, but if you took a blue pill it wouldn't work. So, you need to be sure that no hanky panky, or you stay like this for minimum of a month."
"So no me getting to play with myself..." George says, winking at Blake.
"Oh no, you can do that. It's the semen in males that prevents the change from occurring. The more semen, the longer it takes... so if you decide to play, you better hold off on taking that pill... it's encoded specifically to your original DNA. If you try to take another blue pill, all it will do is alter your female form. Permanently."
"Now, remember, I'll be treating you like my daughter, so don't be a bad girl!" Blake jokes...
George laughs, and takes the pink pill...
George woke up as Debbie 6 hours later.
Looking in the mirror, George had no idea how pretty Debbie was. Even he'd fuck himself! He see's Debbie's mothers Asian influence in her, well guesses, he's never met the mother...
Going outside, he takes a moment to smoke a joint to calm his nerves... he was feeling off balance, and knew that the weed would help recover from the transformation. Thankfully Blake had provided it.
A short time later, George, now Debbie, had decided it was time to find out how it felt to have a pussy...
And did it feel good!
George spend a good hour masturbating... each time she orgasmed was better than the last... until finally she realized the time, the limo was due to pick her up in 30 minutes!
"I could get used to this..." George thinks to herself, riding in the plush limo...
George subconsciously fixes her hair and makeup, not realizing she's doing so as they ride down the road...
"Miss Debbie, your father asked I give you a little more cash for the day..." the driver says.
George nods, knowing it's a signal to contact Blake.
"Blake, you got to be kidding me..."
"No, I've got to go out of town for 3 weeks, my holdings in California are in jeopardy due to stupid management... You'll be fine. Just don't rock the boat, so to speak... be a good girl." Blake says.
"Right... ok fine, see you in 3 weeks..." George says... "... and I'll be good, Daddy."
Blake laughs. "Right, but seriously, don't do anything stupid."
"Why did I call him Daddy... I guess from thinking about being his daughter and all..." George thinks to himself.
"Damn... that means I need to hold off on my investigation for at least a week, and fake at being his daughter... I better keep to myself. Otherwise with that much time, someone could ask me a question about something and I know nothing about it..." George thinks.
George, taking the place of Debbie in the house, managed to avoid most personal interactions.
George did notice some personality traits bleeding through, however. Makeup, hairstyle, lotions... all things he wouldn't think of seemed to become first hand knowledge...
George also had taken to masturbating several times during the day... bringing herself off time and again... not quite knowing why this body seemed so... turned on all the time, especially around the male workers.
She had even done it in different parts of the house, including Blake's office...
"Ohhh yes feels so good... Ohhhhh if Daddy only knew... MMMMMm YESSS!" George moaned to himself, not catching on that he called Blake Daddy, again... her pussy quivering around her fingers... her not noticing the eyes watching her.
"Jerome, stop, I told you I don't do that kind of stuff! If Daddy found out..." George nervously said...
"Come on, Debbie, you said this week..."
George was shocked, from what he could tell Debbie had been doing sexual favors for the staff for years to get things she wanted... "Look, maybe next month... right now I say NO!"
George looked at Jerome in fear... and arousal?
"Jerome, time for you to go..." a man says, walking in the door.
"Look BJ, you got a nympho of a step-sister, I'm just trying to get my share... She's fucked everyone in the mansion, man!"
"Nympho? Oh shit... " George thinks. "These kinds of issues can go completely crazy if a person is pushed to much... but it explains why I'm playing with my pussy every day, and why all the men in here hit on me! And why I... I like it..."
"I SAID, OUT! Be lucky I don't let Dad know what the hell you're trying to do..."
"Fine, fine, ok... sorry..." Jerome says, quickly walking out.
"Debbie, I've told you about this... you've got issues... You need to stop!" BJ says to her. George had studied up on Debbie's life, and she called her older step-brother BJ too.
"What do you mean, issues... so I like to play some... so what. I'm not hurting anyone..." George said, playing the game that BJ and Debbie played all the time, teasing and taunting each other.
"You're going to get Jerome fired. That's hurting someone. You're going to get most of the staff fired if you're not careful, Debbie! Think about someone besides yourself!"
"I've got to play this like Debbie would, a spoiled, smart assed girl..." George thinks...
"Oh come on, look at me, these guys will do anything for me... I bet you want me too, don't you BJ?" George says to BJ, trying to scare him off.
"Look, Debbie, don't do that..."
"What, take off my top? It's hot in here, and it's my room." she says, unzipping her top...
"Besides, it's time for my morning run..." George tells BJ. "I've got to keep in tip top shape, got to look good you know..."
"Just promise me you'll quit with the employees? You run the risk of disease, or even worse, getting pregnant!"
George\Debbie pulls off her sweats, revealing her black tiny shorts, and she puts on her white top.
Facing away from BJ, George\Debbie can't help feeling out of sorts... that weird hunger she feels... stronger now than ever. Ignoring it, she smiles, putting her hands on her ass, she feels that Debbie would tease the hell out of BJ, so she decides to do it as well.
"You're so cautious! To cautious, really..."
BJ can't help but stare at her ass... Debbie doesn't notice a smile cross his face.
"Oh BJ, I bet you want me soooo bad, don't you? MMmmmm real bad... BJ wanna touch me, don't you big brother?"
"Mmmmmm I bet you want to suck on my nipples..." gasps George\Debbie..., fondling his chest... "Damn this feels so good...." George\Debbie thinks to herself...
"Oh Jesus, I've got myself worked up bad..." she thinks to herself, but it feels so good, she continues to caress her body.
"Don't worry BJ, I know you won't take me on..."
"I guess you think of us as REAL brother and sister, though we're not... So I'll have to find someone else out there to take care of me... not you, someone else..." she says, patting his shoulder.
BJ slaps his head and sighs... George\Debbie smiles seeing his hard on through his shorts, though... she's getting to him... and oddly, he's getting to her... him...? She walks in front of the mirror...
"Ohhhh don't think I don't see that dick of yours... all hard n stuff... You SO want me, don't you BJ? You wanna fuck me, don't you?" she giggles, running her hand up her ass, cupping it, teasing him... licking her lips... feeling her pussy tingle.
"Maybe I'll find a real man to fuck me... strong, muscular man, tall..."
"A prince charming, to fuck me real hard... taking his princess, after all she's his..."
"He's gotta have a nice dick though, don't you agree? As long as it's thick... length isn't key... it's how it... it fills me..."
"After all, BJ, look at my body, it's made for fucking, isn't it? Made for men... strong men to... to use..."
"Whoa, that's a little much..." Debbie thinks, shaking her head.
"Now John the gardner, he fucked me senseless last week, my tits were all over the place, bouncing... I bet you'd like to see my tits, wouldn't you, BJ?"
In her mind she see's him, taking her roughly, her screaming in orgasm as his cock pounds into her...
"They're a bit small but very nice." she says, playing with them. "They're so sensitive at times... I can cum from just playing with them..."
"Ok, time to quit while I'm ahead..." George thinks. "Well, since you ain't gonna do nothing, then I'm going for a run... then I got things to do..."
"I don't think so." BJ say's and stands in front of the door.
"What, you gonna tell Daddy? I don't think so... I'll say you're lying..."
"I'm not going to tell him anything. I don't have to. I don't WANT to."
"I'm sick of your games, Debbie."
"BLAH BLAH look I gotta go..." Debbie says... "Ok, time to go..." George thinks.
"No, you don't. I'm keeping you here. Like I said, I'm sick and tired of your games, your teasing."
"I've been nice, respectful... but Jerome is right, for the most part."
Debbie turns around, rolls her eyes...
George has been overwhelmed with senses that he wasn't familiar with, lost in the hormones that were filling his... her body... allowing the growing Debbie part of his mind to take over. Even now he feels traits of Debbie inside his mind. The possibility of her being a nympho could be the chemical imbalance that he is now feeling, allowing the DNA memories to fill his own... plus, the pleasure he was feeling was becoming... addictive as well. He didn't know what to do... all he could do was watch what was happening within Debbie's body, and hope it worked out...
But what frightened him the most... was that he... she was starting to enjoy it...
"Quit being a dick, BJ and let me by. And you don't own me, I do as I please."
"I've got to get the hell out of here... Debbie is taking me over... I can't seem to stop... I need to NOT act like her... I feel... like losing... it..."
"Matter of fact, I'll suck the pool guys dick after I leave here... I know he's been working hard. He's got a nice, thick, cock."
"No! Where are these thoughts coming from? Got... to... get... control... not think of a juicy, thick dick... NOOoooooooo"
"Then maybe I'll let him fuck me in the ass!"
"Damn it! I've got to stop teasing him! Though the thought of a dick in my ass... MMMmmm... NO FUCK!"
"I don't think so, Debbie."
George\Debbie turns around... and is very surprised...
"BJ, what the fuck are you doing... put your pants back... on... Oh my God... it's so... huge..."
"Kneel, Debbie. NOW!" BJ orders...
Partly in fear, George\Debbie does just that... face to face with another man's cock for the first time in his life... a familiar sight for Debbie's mind.
"I've watched you, Debbie. You ARE a nympho... YOU ARE addicted to cock. But you've never found the one person that you desire to take over your life... until now."
George tries to gain control of their body, but at this point Debbie is strongest... her eyes locked onto BJ's cock.
"No... please... it's not supposed to happen... XGen doesn't do this. It's so delicious looking... XGen doesn't change... minds... desires... wanting to touch it... suck it... nice big, cock..."
"That's it, Debbie, become familiar with my cock... it's going to rule you from now on..." BJ say's as Debbie examines what has to be the biggest dick she's ever seen. Even the little voice in her head agrees...
"It's time you learn your new place, Debbie. Now you are going to listen and do as I say... crawl over here, now."
George tries to stop Debbie... with all his willpower... but he can't seem to stop the draw that Debbie feels to this huge man... huge cock...
"NO DEBBIE! You aren't real! This is my body! I don't want this!"
"Then why do you want to? I feel it in you... and our pussy is wet... you feel it... you want his cock as much as I do... maybe even more..."
George's mind reels at the thoughts rushing into his mind.. as he starts crawling closer to BJ.
"No, got to... to stop... George... don't want cock... huge... thick dick..." George moans, just as Debbie moans... "I'm supposed... to report to... Daddy... stuff going on with... with company... Daddy can help... I bet he's got a nice dick, too..."
"That's it, Debbie, I see it in your eyes... a need to be TAKEN. CONTROLLED by the MAN WHO OWNS YOU. Isn't that right, Debbie?"
"Y..yes BJ." the mind of Debbie and George say in unison... their thoughts slowly combining. Her small hand reaches up to the huge cock in front of her... her willpower weakening...
BJ looks down at the quivering girl. He smiles an smug smile...
"Kiss my cock, Debbie... I know you want to..."
She does as she is told... feeling a rush of pleasure as she does so.
"OOohhhhhh..." Debbie moans as her mouth licks his balls, heavy and large... and she starts gently stroking his cock...
"Oh God help me... the smell... so glorious..."
"That's it girl... you know you want to be owned... pleasure your Master..."
George\Debbie's body shudders in pleasure... the word Master bounces around in her head... as her hand slowly goes down the front of her shorts...
"Don't play with your pussy unless I tell you to, Debbie. I can see where your hand is..."
Debbie didn't even realize she was...
She closes her eyes, tasting BJ's cock, then his precum... as her tongue licks the slit at the tip. Her body shivers in pleasure... and something else...
Moaning in delight, Debbie deep throats the cock, as George, inside her mind, tries to scream to stop... but isn't convinced himself as the taste overwhelms his cries and his own voice, inside her mind, becomes high pitched, sounding like her own.
Debbie groans, feeling her Masters hand grab her hair, holding her head, then slowly pumping into her mouth... fucking her face.
"Good girl... MMmm you have a talented mouth... I may let my friends sample you a few times..."
Debbie looks up, feeling fear and a odd feeling...
"Mmmm this, this is where you belong, in front of your MASTER... sucking my cock, tasting MY sperm... now, stand up, pull down your shorts... I want you to leave on your thong though... Pink is so cute on my pet."
"Got.. to fight... can't do... this!"
As she stands up, she takes off her shorts... and turns around showing her ass to BJ...
"I've watched you, Debbie, watched you play with yourself in the office, in your room, practically in every room in this house, including mine. What, you didn't think I knew about it? I filmed it. I filmed you smelling my underwear, Debbie... You masturbated with them in your mouth... the only way you could taste me at the time, I guess..."
George\Debbie's eyes open wide as she feels a hand on her thong... sliding it to the side, then pulling her backwards... thoughts of BJ's underwear... crying out in pleasure as her tongue tastes the spot where his cock was... she thought she dreamed it!
"Now, bend over, Debbie. Then back up, and lower yourself down on the cock that owns you..."
"No BJ please... it's not right... it's not..." Debbie manages to say... before feeling his hard cock at her pussy...
Debbie gasps as it sinks slowly inside her...
Fingers and dildo's didn't prepare the new Debbie for the feeling of a hard, hot cock slowly filling her...
"I feel some resistance, Debbie. Let me add more pleasure to the mix..." BJ laughs as he gently rubs Debbie's asshole... the touch like lightning causing her to stand up straight...
Debbie's body tries to stop... but the feeling of BJ's cock inside her, even though it's not all the way in yet, feels to good... way too good...
"Oh God please no BJ... M... Master... don't do this... Oooooo please... too much... too much..."
"YOU don't get a say so in this, Debbie. Start riding your MASTER'S COCK. NOW!"
Whimpering in shame and pleasure, Debbie slowly lowers herself down onto BJ's massive cock...
Groaning in pleasure, she slowly rides him, his cock going deeper and deeper as she does so, her pussy becoming wetter with each stroke...
"There you go, Debbie, ride it like you were MADE to..." he laughs...
"Feels so... good... yes.... cock feels good..." Debbie squeals...
Debbie moans and squeals in pleasure as she speeds up, BJ guiding her as she bounces up and down on him.
"That's it... let it go... become what you were meant to be, think of all those men you sucked off, all of those men whose cocks filled your little pussy with their spunk..."
Debbie\George whimpers as memories that are not her own flash through her mind... of the first dick she sucked in high school, of the football team... countless cocks over the last few years exploding, filling...
Debbie cries out in pleasure...

Using his strength, BJ rips off the flimsy white top and pulls off Debbie's bra... his cock sinks even deeper into her.
"OOOhhhhhh shit Mas... MASTER!!!"
"That's a girl... call me Master..." BJ says...
"I don't think I'll call you Debbie anymore, you deserver a more fitting name... let's see... Bunny... no, Bambi... That's it. Your name is now Bambi... don't forget that!"
Bambi shakes her head... tries to fight the command... but now can't remember her real or any name as hers other than Bambi...
"How... how is he doing... doing this to... to me!"
Bambi moans loudly pulling on her breasts and feels her pussy clench down on Masters cock as she cums... "Nngggggggg oaoOOHHhhhhh!" she moans
Bambi yelps in surprise as BJ's strong hands pick her up and plant her pussy right by his face...
"I'm going to taste this little pussy before I fill it up, YOU suck my cock..." he says to her.
She does as she is told, as she feels her thong being pulled to the side.
"Oh Master, that... that feels so good...OOOooo lick.. lick my pussy.... oh help me someone..."
Bambi writhes on top of BJ as his tongue teases her ass, her breathing increases as she feels an orgasm building... slowly...
"OHh God... something... happennnning... OOHhhhhhh yes... feeeeels so goooooddd!"
"Oh so close yes yes lick OOHHhhhh thereeee.... YEEEESSSSS!!"
"CUMMINNGGGGG!!!!!!!" Bambi screams... her pussy trying to suck his tongue into it... her juices drooling down into his mouth...
BJ laps up her juices as she moans and whimpers, her mouth wrapping around his cock and sucking lovingly on the shaft...
"Oh God what am I doing... I can't stop... stop sucking on this wonderful cock... I love it so much..." Bambi thinks to herself..
BJ looks over to the other side of the room, see's the mirror, and gets an idea. Burying his head in her pussy he licks and sucks on her clit, sending her into spasms of pleasure. He lifts her up, and carries the mewling girl towards the mirror.
As if she's hungry, she sucks his cock down her throat again... moaning as she is carried.
"Get on all fours, slut!" BJ says as his cock pops out of her mouth.
"No, no! Please... don't do this... I'm.. I'm not who you think I am!" Bambi screams in a panic... she didn't want to tell the truth but she had to do something! She was... he... she was losing herself completely!
Her eyes widen as she feels her panties slid down her thighs... whimpers in fear and pleasure as the crotch sticks to her sopping pussy.
Looking up in the mirror she see's BJ's face... a wicked grin on his face.
"Good old George, a fighter till the last... I know exactly who you are. George, the blackmailer. George the great detective... who made a grave error in judgment all those years ago. Just to let you know, my 'father' is flying back in his plane, flying himself, all alone. They'll never find him since his plane will go off course and land in the ocean... An untimely death for such a great man."
"You'll... you'll kill your own father?" Bambi whimpers, feeling his raging cock at the entrance to her pussy.
"My father? No, he's been dead for decades... funny thing about XGen, you can use it to become whatever it is you wish to become. In my case, Blake Harrison, Jr. Sure, it took several million to create my identity, but it's worth it to live out a new life, a longer life, wouldn't you agree?" he laughs...
"I don't understand... OH my pussy.. OOohhh..."
"I'm sorry George, I'll miss our little talks once a year, I'm having to lower your intelligence down a few... points..." he laughs again. "Plus all those memories of those clients and their misdeeds... can't have those filling up necessary brain cells. Making sure that good old George disappeared made creating this identity easier. And now, you need to know how to take care of your new body! Periods, fashion, how to suck a cock... amazing how many ways there are... how to milk a cock with your new pussy... all those old memories gone, like that..."
Bambi's eyes roll back as his cock sinks in, inch by inch into her tight pussy.
"All that knowledge, totally unnecessary now. Now all you have to do is know how to please your Master. Do you know who I am yet, my princess?"
Bambi's body trembles in pleasure as the cock sinks ever deeper, until he bottoms out at her cervix. Gasping and moaning... it hits her...
"You're... you're not junior... you're actually Blake..."
"And the slut gets the prize, her Masters cock!" Blake says, and starts pumping into her.
"OOHHHHhh YESSSS FEELS GOOOD!!!" Bambi screams as Blake fucks her.
"Such a tight pussy... MMmmm baby you're gonna give me lots of kids..." he says to the mewling whore beneath him. "You're probably wondering why all this planning and deception, well, I had to be sure that the XGen had taken hold. When you started hitting on me, what you thought was my son, I knew it had taken hold of you."
Bambi's nipples rub the carpet sensuously as they sway beneath her, her head on the carpet, her ass in the air. Blake's massive hands holding her in place.
"This is your future, here, now, Bambi..."
He grabs her arm pulling it behind her, and pumps harder. Bambi squeals in pleasure.
"Fun thing about XGen, you can adjust it to your liking... say if you, as a man, want to be able to cum many, many times if you'd like..." Blake says, grinning.
Bambi feels his cock swell inside her pussy, her eyes widen knowing what's going to happen... then she feels his cock throbbing, then the heat of his hot cum fill her pussy as he pumps it into her, load after hot load filling her pussy, her womb...
Bambi cries out as she cums, as his semen pumps into her, then trickles out of her pussy...
"Did you know that a person can be programmed to crave a specific person's semen? They need to have it either in their mouth, ass, or pussy. Doesn't matter which it ends up in... just as long as you... get it inside you..." he laughs...
Bambi felt another orgasm welling up from within her soul... her wailing scream filling the room as her pussy milked his cock...
Collapsing face first onto the floor, all she can do is mewl and whimper...
"That was a nice, big cum for my little princess, wasn't it?"
"..yes.." she whimpers softly.
"Yes, what?" he says, his thrusting slowing...
"Yes, Daddy..." Bambi says, her pleasure addled minds mixing thoughts and knowledge, most of George's knowledge falling away...
"Hmmm, I like that... I guess George's mind is mixing with you, Bambi..."
"Uhhhh...Ooohhhhh" Bambi moans, her eyes rolling back into her head as another orgasm hits her body... his heavy balls slapping her pussy causing another orgasm to wash over her..
"Nnngggg...OOoohhh please....please no...don't..."
"Oh, I see there is still some of George inside you... wonderful!" BJ says.
BJ grabs Bambi's hair and pulls her up on all fours... his cock still pumping into her...
"There... Ugghhh yeah, look... look at what you are now, GEORGE!"
Bambi turns her head away, mewling in pleasure as her breasts wobble on her chest.
"You're nothing but a fuck toy now! Panties around your thighs, a cock filling your pussy... and what's even worse for you... you're LOVING IT! You're gonna cum again, I feel it.. your pussy is milking me now..." BJ says, smiling.
"No... no please... don't.. don't wanna cum... not fuck.. fuck toy... I'm a... a man..."
Gripping her neck he turns her head to face the mirror...
"Does a 'man' look like this? Hmmm? Look at yourself! Tits bouncing on your chest! Your ass jiggling as I FUCK YOUR PUSSY!"
"AAHH AHHHHH STOPPP NOOOOOOOO CUMMINGGGGGGG!" Bambi screams, as she cums hard, BJ's cock again exploding and filling her pussy with more cum.
BJ laughs out loud... "I'll tell you what, if you can NOT fuck back onto my cock for, oh, 20 seconds, I'll let you go. Starting.... NOW."
Bambi tries to stop herself... reaches for the wall... but only continues to push back onto his cock... his thick, hard cock... so filling her needy pussy... OH she needs it so bad...
"TIMES UP, FUCK TOY!" BJ says, and pulls her back and fucks her harder, causing Bambi to cry out...
"NNOoooooooo FUCCKKKK MEEeeeeEEeee!!"
"I want you to WATCH as you lose yourself to this body..." he says, gripping her hair.
"Such a sissy you were, you ARE. I thought you'd last longer. You gave in quicker than any of the test subjects... and they were willing..."
"I'm guessing you wanted this all along... to be someone's little fuck toy. My little princess..."
What's left of George tries to fight... but can only feel the buildup of another massive orgasm...
"Tell me, tell your Daddy, tell your MASTER what you REALLY ARE!"
"OOOHHH GOD! NO Please I b.b.beg you let... oh no... let... Ahhhhhh AHhhhhhh"
"Tell me what you are, sissy princess..." BJ says, slowing down then speeding up his thrusts, not letting the mewling slut cum, but keeping her on edge.
"Just look at those tits bounce... look at yourself... what you REALLY are... say it... say it..."
"Oooohhh Daddy noooo...."
"Say it and you'll cum so hard and good..."
Inside her mind a battle rages.. and George loses.
"Oooohhh I'm.. Daddy's little princess fuck toy... I... OOooo looveeee Daddy's big cock...."
"NO YOU ARE GEORGE... Ummm George! You're a... a guy! You don't want to have cocks in your tight... empty pussy... you want to be filled by cocks... no NO! You want to have a dick! YOU LOVE COCKS IN YOU! No, that's... is that it?" George thinks as their personalities merge even more.
"Tell me all of it, princess..." BJ laughs.
"OOO Daddy Princess Bambi LOVES Daddy's THICK COCK!!!"
"I'M DADDY'S FUUUUCCKKKK TTOOOOYY!!!" she screams her orgasm taking her over as he cock pumps harder into her...
"CUM FOR DADDY, PRINCESS!! CUM!!!" BJ yells, grunting as his cock swells in side her...
Bambi's pussy spasms hard, gripping his cock with her muscles, milking his cock as it suddenly swells and throbs inside her... she arches her back as she cums... unable to move hardly.
Bambi whimpers and cries out as her body feels like it snaps, pure pleasure showing and flowing into her body...
BJ pushes her forward, and empties his balls into her as she takes it...
She feels every drop fill her up... her entire body tingling as his seed fills her up... her DNA linking to his... making her need his cum now... the changes complete.
"One last thing, princess. Suck my cock, taste my seed. Seal yourself as Bambi, my slave, my fuck toy."
Gripping her hair, her mouth slides onto his cock... not that she would resist now.
In a high pitched, sing songy voice, Bambi says "Oooh give Bambi Daddy's cummies... I wanna taste it so bad and drink it down Daddy..."
"Here it comes, baby, be sure to swallow it all down, and clean me up..." he smiles down.
As he cums again, her mouth fills with semen and she swallows quickly... loving the taste of Daddy's cum.
His cum still drools down her chin, and as it drops onto her breasts and body, she rubs it in. She loves the feeling of cum on her body ever since she was younger...
"That's it Bambi, good girl." Blake says, and pets her head as she cleans his cock. This was the best way to deal with this loose end. Now he can live free of blackmail with the others... after they pay him a one time fee, of course.
George Takahami... who had been paid to be silent all these years, will now be silent because she's sucking dick and getting fucked, and needs to know nothing else but pleasuring her Daddy...
She's getting paid in semen.
Wow, that was really hot... I guess George has a fuck-filled and baby-filled future ahead of her now.
ReplyDeletehot as hell hun. <3 it!
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